Prodigy Finance Interview Experience for SDE

Round 1 (online screening)

This was a “get to know you” session, where I met up with the development team manager for a quick (30-minute) chat. The main agenda for this meeting involved an introduction to the company and the role I was applying for. There were not many questions at this point, and this meeting was purely to determine that I was who my CV said I was.


  • Prepare for the interview beforehand by researching the role and the company. The company website, LinkedIn profile (if any) and a quick Google search will give you an idea of what to expect.

Round 2 (offline assignment)

The coding assignment was simple in theory: write an API that exposes (and modifies) countries and their currency(s) – in either Rails or Python. Coming from .NET, my very limited (at this point) experience in both language options made this an interesting challenge. I had the freedom to choose the framework to use and was given a timeframe of +/- 4 hours total, including unit tests.

The aim of this challenge was to show my way of thinking a solution through and being able to provide tested code. The project did not need to be feature complete, with the focus on testing.


  • Try to follow the TDD philosophy: Test (to fail) then code until the test passes.
  • Handle exceptions.
  • When writing an API, integrate Swagger (or similar) to make the demo process easier.
  • Add a with your decision process laid out. Do this while developing your solution so the process is fresh in your mind.
  • Do not over-engineer your project. Stick to the plan and don’t implement anything you aren’t asked to do unless you absolutely have the time and skill to do so. The idea here is not to see you create a marketable product, but rather to show off your SDE-specific skills: how you approach the problem and come to a solution, as well as how you test your solution.

Round 3 (coding interview)

This interview was attended by the Team Lead and one of the senior team members. The offline assignment was discussed in detail, with questions being asked about why I had chosen to follow the route I had in providing the solution. Alternatives were discussed, as well as possible enhancements that could be made (and how they would be implemented).

The second half of the interview involved live coding questions. This section tested my programming skills to an extent, but more importantly, my thought process as the solution evolved. I did not have to code any algorithms, but these were discussed in the context of the coding challenge.


  • Be prepared to explain your design choices. SDE positions focus more on the solution design process than on actual code.
  • Brush up on Computer Science basics such as algorithms and data structures, especially those you haven’t used in a while.
  • Prepare for coding interviews by completing challenges online. I used
  • When doing live coding, say your thoughts aloud. The interviewer is not a mind reader, and wants to see how you are working out the solution.
  • Do not be afraid to be wrong – the interviewer is more interested in how you are thinking, and if your thought process moves you from an incorrect solution to a correct one this will come out in the session.

Round 4 (design interview)

This interview was attended by the development manager. Similar to the live coding session, but this time the focus was on designing a solution rather than coding and algorithms. I was asked to design a library application and we interacted at each stage of the process. I used a digital whiteboard and laid out the system as I initially saw it, and made changes as questions were asked and answered. The process was informal in general, with the interviewer being casual and helpful as I went through the design process.


  • Ask questions. At this stage of the interview process, as in real life, you need to clarify any ambiguities. The interviewer is looking to see how you design a solution: follow the same process you would with an end user or business client. This is your chance to shine as an SDE.
  • Do not over-engineer. Again, keep it simple. If the interviewer wants more from you, they will ask for it. Instead, be prepared to extend your solution as the session goes on.

Round 5 (final interview)

This interview was attended by HR and the head of development. At this point the aim is more to see if you would fit the culture of the company you are applying with. More esoteric questions were asked, where there was no right or wrong answer but only your own view. This was a very casual interview.


  • Be honest.
  • Be open without being crude. In previous sessions you may have been to the point, but this is your opportunity to showcase you as a person.
  • Be prepared to ask questions. If you have questions regarding company policy, general culture etc. this is the place to have them answered.