Program to convert a given number to words | Set 2

Write code to convert a given number into words.


Input: 438237764
Output: forty three crore eighty two lakh thirty seven thousand seven hundred and sixty four

Input: 999999
Output: nine lakh ninety nine thousand nine hundred and ninety nine

Input: 1000
Output: one thousand
Explanation: 1000 in words is “one thousand”

Recommended Practice

We have already discussed an approach that handles numbers from 0 to 9999 in the previous post.

Solution: This approach can handle number till 20-digits long which are less than ULLONG_MAX (Maximum value for an object of type unsigned long long int). ULLONG_MAX is equal to 18446744073709551615 in decimal assuming compiler takes 8 bytes for storage of unsigned long long int.

Below representation shows place value chart for any 9 digits positive integer: 

4  3  8  2  3  7  7  6  4
| | | | | | | | |__ ones' place
| | | | | | | |__ __ tens' place
| | | | | | |__ __ __ hundreds' place
| | | | | |__ __ __ __ thousands' place
| | | | |__ __ __ __ __ tens thousands' place
| | | |__ __ __ __ __ __ hundred thousands' place
| | |__ __ __ __ __ __ __ one millions' place
| |__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ten millions' place
|__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ hundred millions' place

The idea is to divide the number into individual digits based on the above place value chart and handle them starting from the Most Significant Digit.

Here’s a simple implementation that supports numbers having a maximum of 9 digits. The program can be easily extended to support any 20-digit number.


/* C++ program to print a given number in words.
   The program handles till 9 digits numbers and
   can be easily extended to 20 digit number */
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// strings at index 0 is not used, it is to make array
// indexing simple
string one[] = { "", "one ", "two ", "three ", "four ",
                 "five ", "six ", "seven ", "eight ",
                 "nine ", "ten ", "eleven ", "twelve ",
                 "thirteen ", "fourteen ", "fifteen ",
                 "sixteen ", "seventeen ", "eighteen ",
                 "nineteen " };
// strings at index 0 and 1 are not used, they are to
// make array indexing simple
string ten[] = { "", "", "twenty ", "thirty ", "forty ",
                 "fifty ", "sixty ", "seventy ", "eighty ",
                 "ninety " };
// n is 1- or 2-digit number
string numToWords(int n, string s)
    string str = "";
    // if n is more than 19, divide it
    if (n > 19)
        str += ten[n / 10] + one[n % 10];
        str += one[n];
    // if n is non-zero
    if (n)
        str += s;
    return str;
// Function to print a given number in words
string convertToWords(long n)
    // stores word representation of given number n
    string out;
    // handles digits at ten millions and hundred
    // millions places (if any)
    out += numToWords((n / 10000000), "crore ");
    // handles digits at hundred thousands and one
    // millions places (if any)
    out += numToWords(((n / 100000) % 100), "lakh ");
    // handles digits at thousands and tens thousands
    // places (if any)
    out += numToWords(((n / 1000) % 100), "thousand ");
    // handles digit at hundreds places (if any)
    out += numToWords(((n / 100) % 10), "hundred ");
    if (n > 100 && n % 100)
        out += "and ";
    // handles digits at ones and tens places (if any)
    out += numToWords((n % 100), "");
    //Handling the n=0 case
    out = "zero";
    return out;
// Driver code
int main()
    // long handles upto 9 digit no
    // change to unsigned long long int to
    // handle more digit number
    long n = 438237764;
    // convert given number in words
    cout << convertToWords(n) << endl;
    return 0;


/* Java program to print a given number in words.
The program handles till 9 digits numbers and
can be easily extended to 20 digit number */
class GFG {
    // Strings at index 0 is not used, it is to make array
    // indexing simple
    static String one[] = { "", "one ", "two ", "three ", "four ",
                            "five ", "six ", "seven ", "eight ",
                            "nine ", "ten ", "eleven ", "twelve ",
                            "thirteen ", "fourteen ", "fifteen ",
                            "sixteen ", "seventeen ", "eighteen ",
                            "nineteen " };
    // Strings at index 0 and 1 are not used, they are to
    // make array indexing simple
    static String ten[] = { "", "", "twenty ", "thirty ", "forty ",
                            "fifty ", "sixty ", "seventy ", "eighty ",
                            "ninety " };
    // n is 1- or 2-digit number
    static String numToWords(int n, String s)
        String str = "";
        // if n is more than 19, divide it
        if (n > 19) {
            str += ten[n / 10] + one[n % 10];
        else {
            str += one[n];
        // if n is non-zero
        if (n != 0) {
            str += s;
        return str;
    // Function to print a given number in words
    static String convertToWords(long n)
        // stores word representation of given number n
        String out = "";
        // handles digits at ten millions and hundred
        // millions places (if any)
        out += numToWords((int)(n / 10000000), "crore ");
        // handles digits at hundred thousands and one
        // millions places (if any)
        out += numToWords((int)((n / 100000) % 100), "lakh ");
        // handles digits at thousands and tens thousands
        // places (if any)
        out += numToWords((int)((n / 1000) % 100), "thousand ");
        // handles digit at hundreds places (if any)
        out += numToWords((int)((n / 100) % 10), "hundred ");
        if (n > 100 && n % 100 > 0) {
            out += "and ";
        // handles digits at ones and tens places (if any)
        out += numToWords((int)(n % 100), "");
        return out;
    // Driver code
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // long handles upto 9 digit no
        // change to unsigned long long int to
        // handle more digit number
        long n = 438237764;
        // convert given number in words


# Python3 program to print a given number in words.
# The program handles till 9 digits numbers and
# can be easily extended to 20 digit number
# strings at index 0 is not used, it
# is to make array indexing simple
one = [ "", "one ", "two ", "three ", "four ",
        "five ", "six ", "seven ", "eight ",
        "nine ", "ten ", "eleven ", "twelve ",
        "thirteen ", "fourteen ", "fifteen ",
        "sixteen ", "seventeen ", "eighteen ",
        "nineteen "];
# strings at index 0 and 1 are not used,
# they are to make array indexing simple
ten = [ "", "", "twenty ", "thirty ", "forty ",
        "fifty ", "sixty ", "seventy ", "eighty ",
        "ninety "];
# n is 1- or 2-digit number
def numToWords(n, s):
    str = "";
    # if n is more than 19, divide it
    if (n > 19):
        str += ten[n // 10] + one[n % 10];
        str += one[n];
    # if n is non-zero
    if (n):
        str += s;
    return str;
# Function to print a given number in words
def convertToWords(n):
    # stores word representation of given
    # number n
    out = "";
    # handles digits at ten millions and
    # hundred millions places (if any)
    out += numToWords((n // 10000000),
                            "crore ");
    # handles digits at hundred thousands
    # and one millions places (if any)
    out += numToWords(((n // 100000) % 100),
                                   "lakh ");
    # handles digits at thousands and tens
    # thousands places (if any)
    out += numToWords(((n // 1000) % 100),
                             "thousand ");
    # handles digit at hundreds places (if any)
    out += numToWords(((n // 100) % 10),
                            "hundred ");
    if (n > 100 and n % 100):
        out += "and ";
    # handles digits at ones and tens
    # places (if any)
    out += numToWords((n % 100), "");
    return out;
# Driver code
# long handles upto 9 digit no
# change to unsigned long long
# int to handle more digit number
n = 438237764;
# convert given number in words
# This code is contributed by mits


/* C# program to print a given number in words.
The program handles till 9 digits numbers and
can be easily extended to 20 digit number */
using System;
class GFG {
    // strings at index 0 is not used, it is
    // to make array indexing simple
    static string[] one = { "", "one ", "two ", "three ", "four ",
                            "five ", "six ", "seven ", "eight ",
                            "nine ", "ten ", "eleven ", "twelve ",
                            "thirteen ", "fourteen ", "fifteen ",
                            "sixteen ", "seventeen ", "eighteen ",
                            "nineteen " };
    // strings at index 0 and 1 are not used,
    // they are to make array indexing simple
    static string[] ten = { "", "", "twenty ", "thirty ", "forty ",
                            "fifty ", "sixty ", "seventy ", "eighty ",
                            "ninety " };
    // n is 1- or 2-digit number
    static string numToWords(int n, string s)
        string str = "";
        // if n is more than 19, divide it
        if (n > 19) {
            str += ten[n / 10] + one[n % 10];
        else {
            str += one[n];
        // if n is non-zero
        if (n != 0) {
            str += s;
        return str;
    // Function to print a given number in words
    static string convertToWords(long n)
        // stores word representation of
        // given number n
        string out1 = "";
        // handles digits at ten millions and
        // hundred millions places (if any)
        out1 += numToWords((int)(n / 10000000),
                           "crore ");
        // handles digits at hundred thousands
        // and one millions places (if any)
        out1 += numToWords((int)((n / 100000) % 100),
                           "lakh ");
        // handles digits at thousands and tens
        // thousands places (if any)
        out1 += numToWords((int)((n / 1000) % 100),
                           "thousand ");
        // handles digit at hundreds places (if any)
        out1 += numToWords((int)((n / 100) % 10),
                           "hundred ");
        if (n > 100 && n % 100 > 0) {
            out1 += "and ";
        // handles digits at ones and tens
        // places (if any)
        out1 += numToWords((int)(n % 100), "");
        return out1;
    // Driver code
    static void Main()
        // long handles upto 9 digit no
        // change to unsigned long long int to
        // handle more digit number
        long n = 438237764;
        // convert given number in words
// This code is contributed by mits


/* Javascript program to
 print a given number in words.
 The program handles till 9
 digits numbers and
can be easily extended to
20 digit number */  
// Strings at index 0 is not used, it is to make array
 // indexing simple
    var one = [ "", "one ", "two ", "three ", "four ",
                   "five ", "six ", "seven ", "eight ",
                    "nine ", "ten ", "eleven ", "twelve ",
                     "thirteen ", "fourteen ", "fifteen ",
                      "sixteen ", "seventeen ", "eighteen ",
                       "nineteen " ];
    // Strings at index 0 and 1 are not used, they are to
    // make array indexing simple
    var ten = [ "", "", "twenty ", "thirty ", "forty ",
              "fifty ", "sixty ", "seventy ", "eighty ",
                          "ninety " ];
    // n is 1- or 2-digit number
    function numToWords(n, s)
        var str = "";
        // if n is more than 19, divide it
        if (n > 19) {
            str += ten[parseInt(n / 10)] + one[n % 10];
        else {
            str += one[n];
        // if n is non-zero
        if (n != 0) {
            str += s;
        return str;
    // Function to print a given number in words
    function convertToWords(n)
        // stores word representation of given number n
        var out = "";
        // handles digits at ten millions and hundred
        // millions places (if any)
        out += numToWords(parseInt(n / 10000000),
        "crore ");
        // handles digits at hundred thousands and one
        // millions places (if any)
        out += numToWords(parseInt((n / 100000) % 100),
        "lakh ");
        // handles digits at thousands and tens thousands
        // places (if any)
        out += numToWords(parseInt((n / 1000) % 100),
        "thousand ");
        // handles digit at hundreds places (if any)
        out += numToWords(parseInt((n / 100) % 10),
        "hundred ");
        if (n > 100 && n % 100 > 0) {
            out += "and ";
        // handles digits at ones and tens places (if any)
        out += numToWords(parseInt(n % 100), "");
        return out;
    // Driver code
 // var handles upto 9 digit no
    // change to unsigned var var var to
    // handle more digit number
    var n = 438237764;
    // convert given number in words
// This code is contributed by Amit Katiyar


/* PHP program to print a given number in words.
The program handles till 9 digits numbers and
can be easily extended to 20 digit number */
// strings at index 0 is not used, it is
// to make array indexing simple
$one = array("", "one ", "two ", "three ", "four ",
             "five ", "six ", "seven ", "eight ",
             "nine ", "ten ", "eleven ", "twelve ",
             "thirteen ", "fourteen ", "fifteen ",
             "sixteen ", "seventeen ", "eighteen ",
             "nineteen ");
// strings at index 0 and 1 are not used,
// they are to make array indexing simple
$ten = array("", "", "twenty ", "thirty ", "forty ",
             "fifty ", "sixty ", "seventy ", "eighty ",
             "ninety ");
// n is 1- or 2-digit number
function numToWords($n, $s)
    global $one, $ten;
    $str = "";
    // if n is more than 19, divide it
    if ($n > 19)
            $str .= $ten[(int)($n / 10)];
            $str .= $one[$n % 10];
        $str .= $one[$n];
    // if n is non-zero
    if ($n != 0 )
        $str .= $s;
    return $str;
// Function to print a given number in words
function convertToWords($n)
    // stores word representation of
    // given number n
    $out = "";
    // handles digits at ten millions and
    // hundred millions places (if any)
    $out .= numToWords((int)($n / 10000000), "crore ");
    // handles digits at hundred thousands
    // and one millions places (if any)
    $out .= numToWords(((int)($n / 100000) % 100), "lakh ");
    // handles digits at thousands and tens
    // thousands places (if any)
    $out .= numToWords(((int)($n / 1000) % 100), "thousand ");
    // handles digit at hundreds places (if any)
    $out .= numToWords(((int)($n / 100) % 10), "hundred ");
    if ($n > 100 && $n % 100)
        $out .= "and ";
    // handles digits at ones and tens
    // places (if any)
    $out .= numToWords(($n % 100), "");
    return $out;
// Driver code
// long handles upto 9 digit no
// change to unsigned long long int to
// handle more digit number
$n = 438237764;
// convert given number in words
echo convertToWords($n) . "\n";
// This code is contributed by Akanksha Rai


forty three crore eighty two lakh thirty seven thousand seven hundred and sixty four 

Complexity Analysis: 

  • Time complexity: O(1). 
    The loop runs for a constant amount of time.
  • Auxiliary space: O(1). 
    As no extra space is required.