Project Idea | College Connect

Project Title : College Connect

College Connect is platform where everyone can share their pics or any other stuffs anonymously. Either it’s a pdf file, images or a status. We are on a mission to make people more open and share their knowledge with everyone. Basically, This is currently for college students but can be used by everyone on large scale when we are able to have a good server to run it.


1) Images, gifs, pdfs and many more to be implemented can be uploaded, shared and downloaded to local storage.
2) Like, comment, delete (Only personal posts) and share functionality.
3) Can follow, block anyone you want.
4) Used best search algorithm to search all over database within a seconds. ( Updating it to Elastic Search Engine now)
5) Anonymous posting.
6) Admin approval for every Anonymous post.

And many more are to be implemented.


Basic Flow :

Database Structure Diagrams: 

Comments Structure :

Login Flow :

Update User :

Data structures and Algorithms

I will be using more in future for better and on large scale use.

Stack Used:

Client Side :

1) Java

2) MVP

Server Side :

1) Apache HTTP Server

2) MySQL database

3) Interpreters for scripts

4) Server clusters

5) Database clusters

Also, Creating a Web Server using GO language.


There are many social network which provides you to post and share anything but they don’t provide you to share it anonymously. Here, we provide you to share anything you want. This idea came to me by DC++ used in colleges. We can share anything we want during exams. But it wasn’t there for mobile. So I thought of creating such app so that anyone can share anonymously anything.

Tools Used:

1) Android Studio

2) SDK

Screenshots and Demo Video :

Here is the drive link where you can see all the screenshots.
Note : Saket Kumar is me the current User and Shikar Sharma is the other user.
There is follow button on Shikar Sharma’s id and there is an option to delete my post and not the shikhar sharma’s post.

Note :
Cannot Share the code right now so anyone of you want the apk file then mail me. I’ll forward you the apk file. Currently, The product is developing stage so didn’t launched it on play store.

Also, Looking for Investors who can help us launch this product on a large scale and have a good servers.

Team Lead

Name : Saket Kumar
Email Id :
Mobile Number : +91-8769646665