Project Idea | Drone Delivery

Project Title: Drone Delivery – Make a step ahead for Future

Introduction: At present we all were in the Generation where each and every door delivery is given by a Man. So to make a step ahead for Future towards the Technology, I would like to introduce my Project “Drone Delivery – Make a Step ahead for Future”. In this project, I would like to make a drone which works flies according to the Commands of Google’s Voice Navigation and deliver the product at customer prescribed address. In this project, we will embed a software which navigates the Drone to Customer’s address with voice commands and a Display which is used to make an acknowledgement by the customer.
Once the product is reached to the customer the customer will get an OTP and a Call. On getting a Call the customer checks the door for the Product. If the product is delivered Customer make an acknowledgement about the Product delivery by providing the Correct OTP & clicking the OK button in the display of the Drone.
If no one receives the delivery with correct acknowledgement then Drone flies from there within the 10 Minutes of Landing. The acknowledgement of Product is sent to the Server if the OTP entered is Correct then the product is handover’s to Customer else it will not be Handovers to Customer. If any unauthorized tries to grab the product from the Drone then the Drone gives them a mild shock to release from an unauthorized person and flies from there to nearby Office and deliver the next Product in the sequence.


  • Needs Fast network access
  • Advantages/Features:

  • Fast & Secure Delivery
  • Able to deliver the product in any Environmental Conditions


  • Cloud Computing
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Drone technology

API’s required:

  • Google Map’s API with Voice navigation


  • Cloud Simulator: Tool to access the Cloud to Store the Customer & Product details and to authorize the Customer
  • Programming Languages: Developing Artificial Intelligence to receive the commands and work according to voice command of Google.
  • Drone: To deliver the product.

It can be used any Field like:

  • Military: To transfer the weapons or messages secretly
  • Medical: To transfer any medicine Urgently
  • Business: Delivering the Products securely & very fast

Hence it was the new concept of Dronmakehich can make a change in the field of technology. In the future, these drones can help in receiving &athe mp; retrieving information from customers. Not only that in the future, these drones can help in receiving the weather information too. In the future, we can also develop this project more and more securely like authorizing the person by Bio-Metric or by Face Recognition etc..

Team Members:

  • Srikanth Padmanabhuni
  • Haneesha Jalluri
  • Srivalli Chandana
  • Tarun Yavala
  • SVIET, Nandamuru (Affiliated to-JNTU Kakinada)

Note: This project idea is contributed for ProGeek Cup 2.0- A project competition by w3wiki.