Project Idea | Office Room Availability

Project Title: Office Room Availability
The idea of making human life faster and comfortable is the essence of discovering “Internet of Things”.
“Internet of things means connecting things (digital devices) with internet”. IoT is majorly driven by data, sensors, and actuators. This project deals with the problem where teams cannot plan their meetings effectively and wouldn’t make maximum use of meeting rooms in any office due to waiting time unnecessarily. This solution would provide the status of meeting room availability.

  • The aim of the project is that sometimes teams book meeting rooms, however, don’t use rooms for the meeting purpose so this system would check in the real-time, if the room is not occupied at that selected time it’s status will be declared as available so that other team can use that room.
  • Here and there meeting gets over before arranged time; anyway, the status of the gathering room stays involved till it’s planned arrangement time. The constant status would dodge pointless sit tight for different groups who need to utilize the gathering room.


  • It distinguishes movement utilizing movement sensors in the room thusly giving the yield “Room Availability” in the application.
  • Dodge pointless holding up time.
  • In light of the constant framework.
  • Oversee multi-area workplaces progressing from your cell phone.
  • It plans meeting rooms and checks accessibility.
  • Cost and time saving with greater efficiencies and effectiveness

Availability Reports: Get the accessible and booked rooms to provide details regarding your portable device. Get the pinnacle hours report for rooms

  • Breadboard: It is a solderless device utilized as a development base for testing electronic gadgets.
  • Motion Sensor: PIR sensor enables us to detect movement of individuals by their body temperature as this sensor identifies temperature distinction and distinguish human nearness.
  • Arduino UNO: Arduino UNO Microcontroller is an open source design, it is an easy USB interface as this is like a serial device. It can sense the environment by receiving the input from the sensor and can affect its surrounding by controlling lights and other actuators.
  • WiFi Module – ESP8266: The ESP8266 is an extremely valuable, shoddy WiFi module for controlling gadgets over the Internet. It can work with a small scale controller like the Arduino or it can be customized to deal with its own. The ESP8266 WiFi Module is an independent SOC with incorporated TCP/IP convention stack that can give any microcontroller access to your WiFi organize.
  • Jumper Wires: Jumper wires are utilized for making associations between things on your breadboard and your Arduino’s header pins.


  • Analytics Cloud Connectivity
  • Arduino IDE: The open-source Arduino Software (IDE) makes it easy to write code and upload it to the board.
  • Web Server: Web server alludes to server programming or equipment devoted to running said programming, that can serve substance to the World Wide Web. A web server forms approaching system asks for over the HTTP convention (and a few other related conventions).

Front end Technologies:

  • HTML5: HTML5 is a markup dialect utilized for organizing and displaying content on the World Wide Web. It is the fifth and current real form of the HTML standard.
  • CSS3: CSS3 is the most recent development of the Cascading Style Sheets dialect. It brings a considerable measure of hotly anticipated curiosities, as adjusted corners, shadows, angles, changes and in addition new formats like multi-segments, adaptable box or framework designs.
  • Javascript: The most widely recognized utilization of JavaScript is to add customer side conduct to HTML pages, otherwise called Dynamic HTML. Contents are installed in or included from HTML pages and associate with the Document Object Model of the page.

Back end Technologies:

  • PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor is a server-side scripting language designed for Web development, but also used as a general-purpose programming language.
  • MySql: MySQL is an open-source relational database management system.


  • Motion detector: It detects meeting room availability through motion detection. As the following stage, it sends room availability status flag to the application through WiFi Module – ESP8266 to the Arduino UNO
  • Circuit Connections: Circuit Diagram for “Post Data from Arduino to Web” is given underneath. We fundamentally require an Arduino and ESP8266 Wi-Fi module. ESP8266’s Vcc and GND pins are specifically associated with 3.3V and GND of Arduino and CH_PD is associated with 3.3V. Tx and Rx pins of ESP8266 are directly associated with pin 2 and 3 of Arduino. Programming Serial Library is utilized to permit serial.

By using Software Serial Library here, we have permitted serial communication on pin 2 and 3 and made them Rx and Tx respectively.
Working Explanation:
We interface our Wi-Fi module to Wi-Fi switch for arranging availability. At that point, we will configure the nearby server, and afterward, send the information to web lastly close the connection. This procedure and commands have been clarified in beneath steps:

  • We test the Wi-Fi module by sending AT commands, at that point it will response containing OK.
  • After this, we select the mode using command AT+CWMODE=mode_id, we have utilized Mode id =3. Mode is:
    1. Station mode (customer)
    2. AP mode (have)
    3. AP + Station mode (Yes, ESP8266 has a double mode!)
  • Presently we disconnect our Wi-Fi module from the beforehand associated Wi-Fi arrange, by using the command AT+CWQAP, as ESP8266 is default auto-connected with any already accessible Wi-Fi organize
  • From that point onward, a client can Reset the module with AT+RST command. This progression isn’t fundamental.
  • Presently we interface ESP8266 to Wi-Fi switch using a command AT+CWJAP=”wifi_username”, “wifi_password”
  • Presently get IP Address by using a command AT+CIFSR
  • Presently empower the multiplex mode by utilizing AT+CIPMUX=1 (1 for numerous association and 0 for single association)
  • Presently arrange ESP8266 as a server by utilizing AT+CIPSERVER=1, port_no (port might be 80). Presently your Wi-Fi is prepared. Here ‘1’ is utilized to make the server and ‘0’ to erase the server.
  • Presently by using given command client can send information to nearby made server: AT+CIPSEND =id, length of the information.
    • Id = ID no. of transmitting an association
    • Length = Max length of information is 2 kb
  • In the wake of sending ID and Length to the server, we send information like: Serial.println(“”);
  • Subsequent to sending the information we close the connection by giving the command: AT+CIPCLOSE=0. Now data has been transmitted to a local server.
  • Now type IP Address in Address Bar in a web browser.

Cloud Platform: The cloud platform is the backbone of your IoT solution. Your smart devices will stream data to the cloud.
Cloud APIs: The Internet of Things is tied in with associating smart devices and sharing information. This is normally done by uncovering APIs at either the Cloud level or the device level. Cloud APIs enable your clients and accomplices to either communicate with your smart devices or to trade information.
Cloud Applications: Your end-client applications are the part of the framework that your client will see and interact with. These applications will in all probability be online, you may require isolate applications for work area, portable, and even wearables.

Regardless of whether your smart devices has its own display, your client is probably going to utilize a cloud application as their principal purpose of communication with your product. This enables them to approach your smart devices whenever and anyplace.

  • More prominent client encounter
  • Exact time administration
  • More noteworthy proficiency
  • Vitality sparing
  • The exceptional yield on speculation
  • Broaden representative efficiency
  • Quicker process more noteworthy return

Brief Description of the project in the form of PPT:!AiwRFI_pCRgpcGCKf0B9U1wKlaA
Team members:

  • Vaishali Shukla User ID –
  • Anisha Patel User ID –
  • Sweta Gupta User ID –
  • Pallavi Gupta User ID –

Note: This project idea is contributed for ProGeek Cup 2.0- A project competition by w3wiki.