Project Idea | Shopping Made Easy

Project Title: Shopping Made Easy

Today, shopping in a supermarket store requires standing in a long queue for billing. This leads to a lot of time wastage. To counter this problem, we have come up with a solution that utilizes easily available technology to ease this process.

Conceptual framework:

Design and methods to be used
First, we revamp the design of shopping carts to display the bill and a mechanism to record the billing information of each item put inside the cart. This eliminates the need for billing counters and therefore removes the requirement of standing in queues.

Features Provided:
We utilize two major features in this cart. First, we place a barcode scanner on each shopping cart. This helps to record the information of the item as we are putting it inside the cart. Secondly, we are using a screen on the cart to show the billing information corresponding to the contents. This screen displays the total bill. An item will be billable as long as it stays inside the cart. To remove an item from the bill, first select the item to be removed from the screen and then when the item is taken out from the cart, on getting scanned it gets removed from the bill.

Tool Softwares: Various softwares like Apache HTTP Server, MySQL database, and interpreters for scripts.
We will require software as required for billing in a traditional billing station, with the only difference being in the mode of input, ie, without the interference of a cashier. The billing is done automatically through the cart’s sensor.

This project idea can be implemented across any establishment that relies upon barcodes for billing purposes. Eg- Large retail outlets, small general stores, etc.

Team Name: Gladiators
Team Members:

  • Varun Lall
  • Abhinav Mishra
  • Jatin Garg
  • Sanchit Gupta

Note: This project idea is contributed for ProGeek Cup 2.0- A project competition by w3wiki.