Project Idea | Smart Government

Project Title: Smart Government

  • Background:-
    Today, we are facing one problem, that is of government educational documents. There are lots of procedures needed to be done for applying governments documents. And these documents are just piece of papers e.g. caste validity, caste certificate, income certificate.
    And in case, if these documents get lost, there is less chance to recollect all the original documents. And the cost of making duplicate documents is also much more. There are lot consequences of corruption happens in the case if those documents are lost. Officials or other third parties take more money to make duplicates of it and we are totally fleeced by them.
    To get rid out of this, we have come up with our idea called “Smart Government” which provides the user with ability to efficiently store and manage all their documentaries online and it will also help in making the country paperless in some case.

  • Objective:-
    The Objective of our work is to design a robust and efficient system to solve the problems related to government documents and let the illegal things be banned in that sector.
  • Introduction:-

    The system will provide an efficient way to store and maintain records of people to government. An important benefit with this is it is secure, Safe and reliable. The user is not allowed to change it by its own. Thus, the corruption will be eliminated in somewhat sense.

    We have introduced the trending concept here for this unbreakable security, i.e.Blockchain. The proposed system consists of fundamental properties and algorithms related to the blockchain. The user is allowed to access his or her government documents digitally. There is no need to preserve those papers.

    The blockchain is an important technology for records management professionals to understand because it has broad implications for securing and authenticating intellectual property at a lower cost and higher efficiency.
    There are many ways to verify the authenticity of paper documents, including watermarks, signatures and embossed seals. But digital assets present a problem. Documents in digital form can be modified and copied with no one being the wiser. That makes them difficult to trust. There are many products and services that provide secure and verified document management, but they can be expensive and often require the involvement of a third party.

    The blockchain is a digital mechanism that enables people who don’t know each other to engage in trusted transactions with full confidence in the integrity of the assets being exchanged.
    It does this by embedding authentication into the document itself and using a closed-loop tracking system to protect against tampering or modification. If you’ve ever used a synchronized file-sharing system like DropBox or Microsoft OneDrive, you know basically how the process works. Those services enable people to share files and retain local copies by synchronizing the files between everyone who shares them. If one person changes a document, the new version is automatically copied to everyone else’s local folder.

    Blockchain works the same way. public key plays an important role here. The use of public key encryption is important because it enables the owner of the information to control it without giving up personal information like names or Social Security numbers.

  • Conceptual Framework:-
    All modules are explained in the following section:-

    1. Sign In/Sign Up:-
      In this module, you can create your account or if an account is already created then you can just login.
    2. My documents:-
      In this sections, the user can see his/her documents but the user is unable to change his documents.
      This is because of the blockchain. The user is unable to provide fake documents.
    3. Share Document.
      In this section, the user can send the public key of the required documentation to the required authority.
      E.g. if the user wants to fill the form such as scholarship form then at that time he/she need to send the documents through the public key and digital signature.
    4. Apply for documents:-
      In this module, we will provide a document option such as caste validity, income certificate. By selecting the appropriate option your application for a respected document will get proceeded.

The government procedure will be as follows:

  • First authorized person will check that all documents and he/she will add a new block for it with his digital signature in government section.
  • 2nd authorized person will check all documents and then he will pass that document to next higher authorized person and next block will be added in blockchain related to that application in government section.
  • This flow will continue until the whole document will get created. When document will get created then that document is added in a blockchain of a respected applicant. And then the government will share a public key.
    In this way doing an application for the certain document will work.

So what normally a user will do,

  1. Create an account on the “Smart government portal”.
  2. Goto My documents.
  3. Apply for government documents.
  4. There will be a keys generated for documentary.Only government can make updations in it.
  5. key is public key which can be shared to authorized persons for official work.
  • Features:-
    Concepts Used:–

    • A web Government portal.
    • Blockchain System.
    • Few algorithms and cryptographic techniques such as public key cryptography.
  • Tools:-
    Web portal-

    • Front end: Html, css, javascript, jquery
    • Database: Mongodb
    • Backend: Django python
  • Application:-

    • This system can be used in all sectors which are collaborated with the government.
  • Research:-

    • Blockchain System
    • Cryptography techniques and algorithms
    • Hash key Generation.
  • Diagrams:-

  • Team Members:-

    1. Neha Mahajan.
    2. Sagar Mhantati.
    3. (Walchand College of Engineering, Sangli)

  • Note: This project idea is contributed for ProGeek Cup 2.0- A project competition by w3wiki.