Project Idea | Technical Wizard – A Quiz Application

Project Title: Technical Wizard – A Quiz Application 

Introduction:- India has a large number of Engineering Colleges, and almost all of them have Computer Science Branch in them. Now, from personal to professional knowledge of a person in Computer Science needs to be tested after proper intervals of time. Technical Wizard is a quiz application that tests the knowledge of the user in Core Computer Science subjects like Operating System, DBMS, Computer Networks, Algorithm Design, and Analysis, etc. It is a web application with a number of features provided.

  1. Login and Logout System – The user needs to register on the website and then (s)he can give the test.
  2. The test Results will be provided as soon as the user completes the test.
  3. Each subject is allotted a duration of 5 minutes for solving around 10 questions.
  4. If the user doesn’t submit the test at the end of 5 minutes, the test will be automatically submitted to the database.
  5. The user has complete access over his/her account. They can access their account by logging into it again and see their improvement by giving the test again.
  6. The order of question changes for different users.
  7. The website is compatible to use on different devices.
  8. Good messages are provided to the user screen using JSON.

Tools Used:

  • PHP Server – XAMPP, WAMP or USB Web Server.
  • Editor – Laravel, Codeigniter or Notepad++, etc.
  • Database – MySQL (for saving test results and user information).
  • Other Requirements – HTML, CSS, Javascript, Bootstrap and basic knowledge of JSON.

Application:- Some students want to test their knowledge. Some colleges organize such technical quiz events. In such cases, an application will be used and will be found to be very user-friendly and requires less manpower as everything is online. For selecting top 3 scorers, we can simply write a SQL query to select the Top 3 participant with the highest score from the database. The application contains the good level of questions, i.e. not every student can get good marks. 

Link to the website: 

Research Work Done: 

  • Login and Logout System in PHP.
  • Keeping attractive timer in the website and it automatically decreases on the website without refreshing the web page again and again.
  • To show some messages on selection of subject using JSON object.
  • Including GIF in a website.
  • Instant result production as soon as the user submits the test.

Note: This project idea is contributed for ProGeek Cup 2.0- A project competition by w3wiki.