Project Direction – Project Management

The Project Manager has to exercise direction, coordination, and control to execute the project efficiently. All these forces help to attain the results timely. Directing is concerned with carrying out the desired plans. It is concerned with initiating action. It consists of all activities concerning influencing, to guide the subordinates for the effective performance by the subordinates to complete the group activities. In this, we will discuss mainly project direction and its characteristics and will also cover the functionalities of project direction. Let’s discuss it one by one.

Table of Content

  • Directing Activities :
  • Functionalities of project direction :
  • Characteristics of Project Direction : 
  • Conclusion:
  • FAQ’s:

Directing Activities :

Directing is the implementing and carrying out of those approved plans that are necessary to achieve objectives. Directing involves such steps as follows.

  1. Staffing –Seeing that a professional person is chosen for every position.
  2. Training –Training individuals and groups on how to fulfil their duties and responsibilities.
  3. Supervising –Giving day-to-day instructions, guidance, and discipline as required so that they can fulfil their duties and responsibilities.
  4. Delegating –Assigning work, responsibility, and authority so that others can make maximum utilization of their abilities.
  5. Motivating –Encouraging others to put more effort into the successful completion of the projects.
  6. Counselling –Solve personal problems and hold private discussions about how he might do better work.
  7. Coordinating –Bring synchronization between different activities and see that activities are carried out according to their importance and with a minimum of conflict.

Functionalities of project direction :

From the above steps, it is clear that direction is concerned with initiating action. It consists of activities related to influencing or guiding the subordinates to increase their efficiency in their job. These may include the following functionalities as follows.

  • Establishing effective work processes.
  • To create standards to align with sound instructional design practices.
  • Ensuring consistent interfered design for maximum usability.
  • Conducting team meetings.
  • Communicating standard of quality control through all stages.
  • Control of work.
  • Project quality plan.

Directing subordinates isn’t a simple task due to the short time duration of the project. Whenever directives are necessary, project managers must be decisive and move forward rapidly.

Characteristics of Project Direction :

Project direction is dynamic, universal performed at all levels, and is concerned with human relationships. The following features of direction bring out the nature of the directing function of project management.

  • It may be a dynamic function: Directing is a dynamic and continuing function. A manager has to continuously direct, guide, motivate and lead his subordinates. As with the change in plans and organizational relationships, it is the duty of the project manager to change methods and techniques of direction.
  • It initiates action: By directing it initiates organized and planned activities and ensures effective performance by subordinates towards the accomplishment of group activities. It is regarded as the essence of management-in-action.
  • It is a Universal Function: Direction is a universal function that is performed in all types of projects and at all levels of management.
  • It is concerned with human relationships: Directing deals with the relationship between people working on a project in an organization. It creates co-operation and harmony among the members of groups.

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In summary, project direction is about getting things done efficiently. It involves guiding people, organizing tasks, and making sure everyone works well together. This includes hiring the right people, training them, giving instructions, and keeping them motivated. Project direction is important at all levels of management and in all types of projects. It’s about building good relationships among team members and making sure everyone knows what they’re supposed to do to reach the project’s goals.


What is direction process?

It’s the set of actions used to guide and manage people in a project, including tasks like staffing, training, supervising, delegating, motivating, coordinating, and communicating.

What is direction in planning?

It’s about implementing plans to achieve project objectives, focusing on initiating action and ensuring effective execution of planned activities.

Why is project direction important?

It ensures efficient achievement of project goals, coordinates team efforts, improves communication and collaboration, and helps manage resources and risks effectively.

What is project path?

It refers to the sequence of tasks or activities and their timeline needed to accomplish project objectives, representing the journey from initiation to completion.