Protection Against False Allegations and Its Types

A false allegation refers to a declaration, charge, or grievance that claims to establish a crime that never happened. It is created with the intention of misleading and is meant to harm or discredit someone. In India, the Indian Penal Code (IPC) Section 211, Section 500, and Section 193 of the Indian Evidence Act have provisions that address false allegations. Filing a fraudulent police complaint can result in fines, jail time, community service, and other sanctions.

In this article, we will look into examples, types, legal actions against false allegations in India, protection against fake allegations, and more.

Table of Content

  • What is a False Allegation?
  • Examples of False Allegations
  • Types of False Allegations
  • False Allegations Law
  • False Allegations in India
  • Legal Actions Against False Allegations in India
  • Protection Against False Allegations
  • Conclusion – Protection Against False Allegations

What is a False Allegation?

A false allegation is an incorrect or unsupported assertion or accusation of wrongdoing. Other names for false allegations include baseless accusations, unjustified accusations, false accusations, and false claims. False allegations may result in long-term personal consequences like harm to one’s reputation, lost pay, and social isolation. Serious repercussions may arise from false allegations in both criminal and civil cases. They may include assault, domestic abuse, and sexual harassment at work.

According to Section 193 of the Indian Evidence Act, anyone who willfully provides false testimony during any stage of legal proceedings or creates false testimony that could be used during any stage of legal proceedings faces a maximum seven-year prison sentence in addition to a fine.

Examples of False Allegations

The following are some examples of false allegations:

  • Domestic or other Violence: A former partner can fabricate reports of domestic or other abuse to the police.
  • Cover Story: A fabricated report to the police concerning the identity of the criminal in order to give the real criminal a cover story.
  • Newspaper Article: Someone claims in a newspaper article that another person has looted multiple banks.
  • In a Relationship: An unfaithful spouse who is often accusing their partner of having extramarital affairs or flirting.
  • Child Abuse: An exaggerated report of sexual abuse of a minor.
  • Lesbianism: A young student makes up a charge of lesbianism against two of her teachers.

Types of False Allegations

Following are the types of false allegations:


  • Reporting a rape when neither has happened is known as making false charges of rape.
  • About 8% of rape allegations in the US are deemed to be untrue or unjustified. Other nations report 1.5% (Denmark) to 10% (Canada) as their rates.

Child Sexual Abuse

  • The victim or someone acting on their behalf makes these accusations.
  • The total percentage of false claims is less than 10%.
  • The majority of fraudulent accusations come from adults who file them on behalf of a kid, sometimes during divorce or custody disputes.

Workplace Bullying

According to a 2003 Workplace Bullying Institute poll, popular bullying strategies include assigning unjustified blame for “errors,” displaying angry body language, making disparaging comments, treating victims in silence, and establishing arbitrary regulations.

Workplace Mobbing

Workplace mobbing refers to a harmful and systematic targeting of an individual by a group of colleagues or superiors. This destructive behavior often involves persistent intimidation, gossip, exclusion, or other forms of psychological and emotional abuse. The targeted individual may experience isolation, stress, and a decline in mental well-being. Workplace mobbing can have severe consequences, affecting both the individual’s professional and personal life. Addressing such behavior requires a proactive approach from management, fostering a culture of respect, and implementing policies to prevent and handle instances of mobbing.


Pathe, Mullen, and Purcell wrote in 1999 that the public’s fascination with stalking was feeding myths. Sheridan and Blaauw (2004) claimed that they calculated the proportion of fraudulent allegations in a sample of 357 reported cases of stalking to be 11.5%.

False Allegations Law in India

In India, false allegations are addressed under several legal provisions. One key aspect is the penalization of making false statements or providing false evidence. The relevant sections primarily fall under the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC):

  • Section 191 IPC – Giving False Evidence: Whoever gives false evidence shall be punished with imprisonment or fine, or both.
  • Section 193 IPC – Punishment for False Evidence: Whoever intentionally gives false evidence in any stage of a judicial proceeding shall be punished as per the severity of the case.
  • Section 195 CrPC – Prosecution for Contempt of Lawful Authority of Public Servants: This section deals with the procedure for filing complaints against those making false statements before a court.
  • Section 211 IPC – False Charge of Offense Made with Intent to Injure: Whoever, with intent to cause injury to any person, institutes a false criminal proceeding or falsely charges someone with an offense, shall be punished.

It is essential to note that these sections are intended to deter individuals from making false allegations, which can not only harm innocent parties but also undermine the credibility of the legal system. Legal action can be initiated against those found guilty of deliberately providing false information or making baseless accusations. However, it is crucial to ensure a fair and just investigation to safeguard the rights of all parties involved.

Types of Cases of False Allegations in India

False testimony carries a fine and a maximum seven-year prison sentence in India. According to Section 193 of the Indian Evidence Act, deliberate falsification of evidence in court proceedings is punishable.

Further repercussions for false accusations in India include the following:

  • Making a Fictitious Case: A person faces up to two years in prison and a fine if they intentionally cause harm or annoyance to another person by making a false allegation in court.
  • Accusing Someone of a Crime without Evidence: A person faces up to two years in prison if they file criminal charges against someone to hurt them.
  • Filing a Fraudulent Grievance: A person faces a maximum sentence of six months in prison for filing a false complaint or giving false information with the intention of intimidating, defaming, extorting, or humiliating another person.

Legal Actions Against False Allegations in India

The following are some of the legal actions against false allegations in India:

Requesting Anticipatory Bail

  • To prevent being arrested based on false accusations, victims of false accusations may request anticipatory bail from the closest court.
  • The Code of Criminal Procedure’s Section 438 permits this.

Rejection of the First Information Report

  • The state’s High Court has the authority to overturn a false complaint or allegation.
  • The burden of proof for the accused is to demonstrate that the claims are unjustified the incident that is being accused of never happened, and the accusation does not constitute a crime.

Provisions of the Indian Penal Code, 1860

  • If a criminal conspiracy is suspected, Section 120B of the Indian Penal Code may be used to prosecute.
  • Section 209 of the Indian Penal Code punishes dishonestly, fraudulently, or with purpose to damage or annoy any person.

Provisions of the Indian Evidence Act of 1872

  • Section 196 of the Evidence Act penalizes anyone who uses or seeks to use any fake evidence by passing it off as authentic.
  • Section 193 of the Proof Act requires specific proof to support any claim.

Provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973

Victims of wrongful accusations may file a compensation claim in a justice court.

Protection Against False Allegations

In India, a false complaint against you may be dismissed by submitting a petition by Section 482 of the 1973 Code of Criminal Procedure. This gives the High Court the authority to drop the accused’s criminal case.

Here are some additional strategies to defend oneself from false allegations:

1. Consult a Criminal Defense Lawyer

An experienced criminal defense lawyer can assist in protecting your reputation from being tarnished.

2. Make a Counterclaim

Filing a counterclaim against the accuser for making false accusations may be justified in some situations. You can clear your name and make the accuser pay for their conduct by taking legal action.

3. Keep the Evidence Safe

It’s important to preserve any evidence, such as emails, text messages, pictures, or videos, that could establish your innocence.

4. Assemble the Witness’s Contact Details

Witness’s contact information is important. You can take steps to restore your reputation and your emotional health even if there is no legal recourse for the charge.

Conclusion – Protection Against False Allegations

Several important sections of the Indian Penal Code, Code of Criminal Procedure, Code of Civil Procedure, and the Indian Evidence Act can be used in parallel to obtain relief or start legal proceedings against false allegations and complaints, even though there isn’t a specific statute or provision in the Indian legal system that lists protective measures against any false allegation or complaint.

The legislature must act quickly to pass a law that comprehensively addresses a wide range of scenarios, from compensation to jail time and fines for false accusations, to reduce the increasing threat of pointless lawsuits in the nation and relieve the already overworked courts and investigative agencies.

FAQs on Protection Against False Allegations

Q. What is the solution to false accusations?

You might be punished for the harm you are said to have caused by someone who makes up a false accusation, such as assault. If substantial damages are being claimed, you need to think about getting legal counsel. For the expenses of defending against the litigation, the court may even grant you attorneys’ fees.

Q. How do you prove innocence when falsely accused?

It’s important to preserve any evidence, such as emails, text messages, pictures, or videos, that could establish your innocence. Also, conversations on social media or in other digital interactions that can contradict the accuser’s assertions can be quite helpful.

Q. What is false allegations of abuse case?

A judge may order the accusing parent to pay court fees to the other parent, or even change the custody arrangement to the accused parent’s advantage if they conclude that the parent filed a false complaint to sway the outcome of the child custody dispute.

Q. Are false accusations emotional abuse?

False charges may be the source of psychological or emotional abuse. Gaslighting is a typical abuse technique used to keep a spouse doubting reality, according to Pasadena-based associate marital and family therapist Kim Bielak.

Q. What are the psychological effects of false accusations at work?

Being unjustly accused of misconduct at work can seriously harm your mental well-being. Not only are you shocked and hurt that someone would tell lies about you, but you are also under pressure to clear your name. Feelings of loneliness and sadness may also result from reputational harm.