Publicis Interview Experience for ASDE-1(On campus)

Publicis Sapient came to our campus of Andhra University for placement on August 25th (2023 ) for a virtual Placement Drive . There were a total of 3 Rounds:

Round 1(Coding Round): The test was conducted on the Hacker Rank Platform. The Duration of the test is 2 hours the difficulty level of the questions :

  • The first one was on the linked list and another one was based on the Sliding window.
  • I would say the difficulty level was easy-medium.
  • The first one is to detect the loop in a linked list and print the node value.
  • The other one was to find a subarray with k distinct elements and print the sum of the element.

I solved one question with 15/15 test cases passed while the other one partial cases. Out of 450 members, 28 were shortlisted for Technical Interview luckily it included me : )

Round 2(Technical Interview): I have received a mail from the company that my Interview wash scheduled for September 3rd.

  1. The interview started with my Introduction and directly moved on to the technical skills 
  2.  Deep questions on Projects in my Resume.
  3. What is the HTTP method?
  4. Any knowledge about Jira?
  5. He asked me to write a Program to reverse a string:    he asked me to implement this program in Java or JS as I have mentioned in my resume.
  6. I was asked Java basic questions.
  7. Oops, concepts, Imperative Programming, testing, and Agile.
  8. He asked questions about Operating systems like Scheduling algorithms, kernel, Process Management, Device Management
  9. He asked questions about Access Specifiers and He also asked me what data structure is to be used if I have to store the addresses.

The interview lasted for 1 hour 30 min and most of the questions were asked from resumes. 

Tip: Prepare for everything you have mentioned in your resume.

Round 3(HR Interview):

  • How do you handle conflicts?
  • You have a call with a client and he is talking about something you have no idea about and he wants deadlines on the work, how do you respond? 

This round lasted for about 10 minutes and I was asked many behavioral questions. The results were declared the next day.