Publicis Sapient Interview Experience for Trainee Engineer

Publicis Sapient conducted a drive in our campus in the month of September 2022. It consists of 3 rounds.

  1. Written test (coding round).
  2. Technical round.
  3. Core values interview.

Round 1: Coding Round

We were given 2 coding questions to solve, one is based on a 0/1 knapsack problem and the other is a mid-level question.

I was able to solve one question. Fortunately, I got shortlisted for the second round.

Round 2: Technical round

This round went a bit difficult. But, there is nothing to panic! Everything was asked based on your resume and not exceeding that.

  1. Self-introduction
  2. projects
  3. technologies used in the project
  4. php engine
  5. how to convert PHP code to HTML
  6. What is <? in PHP.
  7. sever side and client-side scripting languages
  8. difference between <div> and <p>
  9. what is CSS, and why is it used for
  10. selectors and types
  11. how to style multiple lines using CSS
  12. inline in CSS
  13. class in PHP
  14. oops concepts
  15. collections framework
  16. access modifiers
  17. what is procedurally oriented problem language
  18. what is the design pattern in Java
  19. unit testing
  20. integration testing
  21. agile model
  22. waterfall model
  23. alpha and beta testing
  24. uml
  25. what is deadlock and what example
  26. about GitHub and some other repositories like GitHub
  27. semaphore
  28. design of web application architecture
  29. protocols for web application
  30. java map interface
  31. difference between hashmap and HashSet
  32. can we store custom objects in a set
  33. azure tools
  34. custom exceptions
  35. exceptions and exceptional handling
  36. ways to create a string in Java
  37. where is string literal stored in java
  38. intern() method in Java
  39. message platforms like Kafka
  40. java custom exceptions
  41. pipelining concept
  42. tree set
  43. binary trees
  44. ArrayList
  45. what is id in CSS
  46. default access modifiers and a code snippet regarding that
  47. azure devops
  48. questions on HTML 5
  49. time complexities of quick sort, insertion sort
  50. searchings and sortings.
  51. the best and fast sorting algorithm
  52. what is mock unit testing
  53. prime number code (brute force method and optimized approach)

Note: These questions are truly based on the skills mentioned in my resume.Make sure you are crystal perfect about what you have mentioned in it.

I answered almost 90% of the questions and got selected for the core values interview on the same day.

Round 3: Core values interview

This round is quite interesting. It is not exactly hr, but similar to it. Questions like Team management, Some scenarios were asked. It went on for 30 minutes. Be confident and answer them about how you deal with those situations.

Final result: I got selected for the company.

Tips :

  1. Give your best in the coding round. It is not mandatory to attempt both questions, at least give it a try to solve one.
  2. Do not panic in the interview. The interviewer will be very friendly to you and he even helps you if you got stuck somewhere.
  3. Be honest to him, It is not mandatory to answer all the questions in the interview. If you do not know the answer, then mention to him that you are not familiar with that concept and will get to know it right after the interview.
  4. Finally, do not lose hope, Give your best until you succeed. Success is on your way:)