Pubmatic Interview Experience (On-Campus)

Round – 1 (Online Assessment)

It was a 90 minutes HackerRank test mainly include MCQ based on core subjects like OOP, DBMS, OS, CNS and Data Structures and Algorithms and 2 coding question one was Leetcode easy and another was Leetcode hard.

I was able to pass all test cases of easy one and 9/14 for the hard one.

After this OA 14 students from our collage were selected for the interview round.

Round – 2 (Technical Round-1)

The questions were Resume based and had the general discussion about the education and the hometown. Interviewer asked me questions on Linux commands but I hold her I am not familiar with Linux. The questions were asked on OOP concepts like Abstraction , virtual function and pure virtual function also I was told to write a piece of code on the paper.

Then I was give a situation and was told which Data Structure can be use for efficient retrieval of data and it was Hashmap.

Question on Mutex and semaphore , multithreading , Scheduling algorithms and TCP/UDP were asked.

Also I was asked if you have given some ads and some fixed interval of time how can arrange these ads so they will run within given time. I was unable to get this question during the interview what she actually mean.

Round lasted for an 1 hour.

Round – 3 (Technical Round-2)

It was mainly DSA and OS based round.

Following questions were asked to me and was told to write code on a paper-

  • Check for anagrams.
  • Design a malloc system.
  • Reverse a string without reversing words.
    ex- Input = “I am good” Output = “good am I”.
  • Building binary search tree.
  • Was told to explain searching and sorting algorithms I know.
  • What is difference between Quick sort and Merge sort there TC and SC.
  • What are B-trees? I was unable to recall it at that moment.
  • Some OS questions like Mutex and semaphore and multithreading were repeated again.

The round lasted for 90 minutes.

After these 3 rounds 9 students out of 14 were selected for Software Engineer role at Pune location.

Tip – Have a strong hold on DSA and OS.