Puzzle | Pair of Socks

There are 10 black socks and 10 white socks in a drawer. Socks of the same color are identical but not allowed to look into the drawer while taking out socks.

So, the task is to find the minimum number of socks to be drawn at random to be sure that he/she gets the pair of socks of the same color?

Answer: 3


Case 1: Same sock color come out in 1st and 2nd attempt-

1st- Black
2nd- Black


1st- White
2nd- White

Number of removals = 2

Case 2: Different color of socks come out in first and second attempt-

1st- Black
2nd- White
1st- White
2nd- Black

In the third attempt, a black or a white sock come out, either way, a pair is completed.
So, the number of removals = 3