Python complex() Function

Python complex() function returns a complex number ( real + imaginary) example (5+2j) when real and imaginary parts are passed, or it also converts a string to a complex number.

Python complex() Function Syntax

Syntax: complex ([real[, imaginary]])

  • real [optional]: numeric type (including complex). It defaults to zero.
  • imaginary [optional]: numeric type (including complex) .It defaults to zero.

Return: Returns a complex number in the form of (real + imaginary) example (5+2j)

Note: If the first parameter that passed is a string then the second parameter shouldn’t be passed else will raise a TypeError. The string must not contain whitespace around the + or – operator else it will raise ValueError in Python.

complex() Function in Python

In this example, we will see how to create a complex number in Python using complex() function.


print(complex(1, 2))



complex() With Integer and Float Type Parameters

In this example, we are using complex() to create a complex number in Python with integer and float type parameters.


# numeric type
# nothing is passed
z = complex()
print("complex() with no parameters:", z)
# integer type
# passing first parameter only
complex_num1 = complex(5)
print("Int: first parameter only", complex_num1)
# passing both parameters
complex_num2 = complex(7, 2)
print("Int: both parameters", complex_num2)
# float type
# passing first parameter only
complex_num3 = complex(3.6)
print("Float: first parameter only", complex_num3)
# passing both parameters
complex_num4 = complex(3.6, 8.1)
print("Float: both parameters", complex_num4)
# type


Nothing is passed 0j
Int: first parameter only (5+0j)
Int: both parameters (7+2j)
Float: first parameter only (3.6+0j)
Float: both parameters (3.6+8.1j)

<class 'complex'>

complex() With String Type Parameters of the Numeric Form

In this example, we are using complex() to create a complex number in Python with String Type Parameters of the Numeric Form.


# string
# only first parameter is to be passed
z1 = complex("7")
z2 = complex("2", "3")
# This will raise TypeError"


complex() with String Type Parameters of Complex Number Form

In this example, we are using complex() to create a complex number in Python with string type parameters of Complex Number form.


# string
# only first parameter is passed
z1 = complex("7+17j")
z2 = complex("7 + 17j")
# This will raise Valueerror
# due to spaces around operator
