Python | Decimal logb() method

Decimal#logb() : logb() is a Decimal class method which returns the adjusted exponent of the Decimal value.


Decimal values

the adjusted exponent of the Decimal value.

Code #1 : Example for logb() method

# Python Program explaining 
# logb() method
# loading decimal library
from decimal import *
# Initializing a decimal value
a = Decimal('.9932')
b = Decimal('0.142857')
# printing Decimal values
print ("Decimal value a : ", a)
print ("Decimal value b : ", b)
# Using Decimal.logb() method
print ("\n\nDecimal a with logb() method : ", a.logb())
print ("Decimal b with logb() method : ", b.logb())

Output :

Decimal value a :  0.9932
Decimal value b :  0.142857

Decimal a with logb() method :  -1
Decimal b with logb() method :  -1

Code #2 : Example for logb() method

# Python Program explaining 
# logb() method
# loading decimal library
from decimal import *
# Initializing a decimal value
a = Decimal('3.14')
b = Decimal('321e + 5')
# printing Decimal values
print ("Decimal value a : ", a)
print ("Decimal value b : ", b)
# Using Decimal.logb() method
print ("\n\nDecimal a with logb() method : ", a.logb())
print ("Decimal b with logb() method : ", b.logb())

Output :

Decimal value a :  3.14
Decimal value b :  3.21E+7

Decimal a with logb() method :  0
Decimal b with logb() method :  7