Python | Numpy ndarray.real()

With the help of Numpy ndarray.real() method, we can find the real values in an imaginary expressions by just using ndarray.real() method. Remember resulting data type for the real value is ‘float64’.

Syntax : ndarray.real()

Return : Array of Real values having dtype ‘float64’

Example #1 :
In this example we can see that we get the array of real values using ndarray.real() method and we are also trying to print the dtype of those real values.

# import the important module in python
import numpy as np
# make an array with numpy
gfg = np.array([1 + 2j, 2 + 3j])
# applying ndarray.real() method
Beginner = np.real(gfg)
print(Beginner, end ='\n\n')


[ 1.  2.]


Example #2 :

# import the important module in python
import numpy as np
# make an array with numpy
gfg = np.array([1 + 2j, 2 + 3j])
gfg = np.sqrt(gfg)
# applying ndarray.real() method
Beginner = np.real(gfg)
print(Beginner, end ='\n\n')


[ 1.27201965  1.67414923]
