Python PRAW – Getting the subreddit on which a comment is posted in Reddit

In Reddit, we can post a comment to any submission, we can also comment on a comment to create a thread of comments. Here we will see how to fetch the subreddit in which the comment has been posted using PRAW. We will be using the subreddit attribute of the Comment class to fetch subreddit class of the subreddit in which the comment has been posted.

Example 1 : Consider the following comment :

The ID of the comment is : fvib7aw

# importing the module
import praw
# initialize with appropriate values
client_id = ""
client_secret = ""
username = ""
password = ""
user_agent = ""
# creating an authorized reddit instance
reddit = praw.Reddit(client_id = client_id, 
                     client_secret = client_secret, 
                     username = username, 
                     password = password,
                     user_agent = user_agent) 
# the ID of the comment
comment_id = "fvib7aw"
# instantiating the Comment class
comment = reddit.comment(comment_id)
# fetching the subreddit attribute
subreddit = comment.subreddit
print("The name of the subreddit is : " + subreddit.display_name)

Output :

The name of the subreddit is : aww

Example 2 : Consider the following comment:

The ID of the comment is : fv9qvgo

# importing the module
import praw
# initialize with appropriate values
client_id = ""
client_secret = ""
username = ""
password = ""
user_agent = ""
# creating an authorized reddit instance
reddit = praw.Reddit(client_id = client_id, 
                     client_secret = client_secret, 
                     username = username, 
                     password = password,
                     user_agent = user_agent) 
# the ID of the comment
comment_id = "fv9qvgo"
# instantiating the Comment class
comment = reddit.comment(comment_id)
# fetching the subreddit attribute
subreddit = comment.subreddit
print("The name of the subreddit is : " + subreddit.display_name)

Output :

The name of the subreddit is : redditdev