Python Program For Reversing Alternate K Nodes In A Singly Linked List

Given a linked list, write a function to reverse every alternate k nodes (where k is an input to the function) in an efficient way. Give the complexity of your algorithm.


Inputs:   1->2->3->4->5->6->7->8->9->NULL and k = 3
Output:   3->2->1->4->5->6->9->8->7->NULL. 

Method 1 (Process 2k nodes and recursively call for rest of the list): 
This method is basically an extension of the method discussed in this post. 

kAltReverse(struct node *head, int k)
  1)  Reverse first k nodes.
  2)  In the modified list head points to the kth node.  So change next 
       of head to (k+1)th node
  3)  Move the current pointer to skip next k nodes.
  4)  Call the kAltReverse() recursively for rest of the n - 2k nodes.
  5)  Return new head of the list.


# Python3 program to reverse alternate
# k nodes in a linked list
import math
# Link list node
class Node:
    def __init__(self, data): = data = None
# Reverses alternate k nodes and
#returns the pointer to the new
# head node
def kAltReverse(head, k) :
    current = head
    next = None
    prev = None
    count = 0
    # 1) reverse first k nodes of the
    # linked list
    while (current != None and
           count < k) :
        next = = prev
        prev = current
        current = next
        count = count + 1;
    # 2) Now head pos to the kth node.
    # So change next of head to (k+1)th node
    if(head != None): = current
    # 3) We do not want to reverse next k
    # nodes. So move the current
    # pointer to skip next k nodes
    count = 0
    while(count < k - 1 and
          current != None ):
        current =
        count = count + 1
    # 4) Recursively call for the list
    # starting from And make
    # rest of the list as next of first node
    if(current != None): =
                kAltReverse(, k)
    # 5) prev is the new head of the
    # input list
    return prev
# Function to push a node
def push(head_ref, new_data):
    # Allocate node
    new_node = Node(new_data)
    # Put in the data
    # = new_data
    # Link the old list of the
    # new node = head_ref
    # Move the head to point to the
    # new node
    head_ref = new_node
    return head_ref
# Function to print linked list
def printList(node):
    count = 0
    while(node != None):
        print(, end = " ")
        node =
        count = count + 1
# Driver code
if __name__=='__main__':
    # Start with the empty list
    head = None
    # Create a list
    # .20
    for i in range(20, 0, -1):
        head = push(head, i)
    print("Given linked list ")
    head = kAltReverse(head, 3)
    print("Modified Linked list")
# This code is contributed by Srathore


Given linked list
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Modified Linked list
3 2 1 4 5 6 9 8 7 10 11 12 15 14 13 16 17 18 20 19

Time Complexity: O(n)

Auxiliary Space: O(n) due to recursive stack space

Method 2 (Process k nodes and recursively call for rest of the list): 
The method 1 reverses the first k node and then moves the pointer to k nodes ahead. So method 1 uses two while loops and processes 2k nodes in one recursive call. 

This method processes only k nodes in a recursive call. It uses a third bool parameter b which decides whether to reverse the k elements or simply move the pointer.  

_kAltReverse(struct node *head, int k, bool b)
  1)  If b is true, then reverse first k nodes.
  2)  If b is false, then move the pointer k nodes ahead.
  3)  Call the kAltReverse() recursively for rest of the n - k nodes and link 
       rest of the modified list with end of first k nodes. 
  4)  Return new head of the list.


# Python code for above algorithm
# Link list node
class node:    
    def __init__(self, data): = data = next
# Function to insert a node at the
# beginning of the linked list
def push(head_ref, new_data):
    # Allocate node
    new_node = node(0)
    # Put in the data = new_data
    # Link the old list to the
    # new node = (head_ref)
    # Move the head to point to the
    # new node
    (head_ref) = new_node
    return head_ref
""" Alternatively reverses the given
    linked list in groups of given
    size k. """
def kAltReverse(head, k) :
    return _kAltReverse(head, k, True)
""" Helper function for kAltReverse().
    It reverses k nodes of the list only
    if the third parameter b is passed as
    True, otherwise moves the pointer k
    nodes ahead and recursively call itself """
def _kAltReverse(Node, k, b) :
    if(Node == None) :
        return None
    count = 1
    prev = None
    current = Node
    next = None
    """ The loop serves two purposes
        1) If b is True,
        then it reverses the k nodes
        2) If b is false,
        then it moves the current pointer """
    while(current != None and count <= k) :
        next =
        """ Reverse the nodes only if b
            is True """
        if(b == True) :
   = prev
        prev = current
        current = next
        count = count + 1
    """ 3) If b is True, then node is the
        kth node. So attach rest of the list
        after node.
        4) After attaching, return the new
        head """
    if(b == True) :
                         k, not b)
        return prev        
    else :
        """ If b is not True, then attach
            rest of the list after prev.
            So attach rest of the list
            after prev """ = _kAltReverse(current,
                                 k, not b)
        return Node    
""" Function to print linked list """
def printList(node) :
    count = 0
    while(node != None) :
        print(, end = " ")
        node =
        count = count + 1
# Driver Code
# Start with the empty list
head = None
i = 20
# Create a list
# 1->2->3->4->5...... ->20
while(i > 0 ):
    head = push(head, i)
    i = i - 1
print("Given linked list ")
head = kAltReverse(head, 3)
print("Modified Linked list ")
# This code is contributed by Arnab Kundu


Given linked list
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Modified Linked list
3 2 1 4 5 6 9 8 7 10 11 12 15 14 13 16 17 18 20 19

Time Complexity: O(n) 

Auxiliary Space: O(n) For call stack because it is using recursion

Please refer complete article on Reverse alternate K nodes in a Singly Linked List for more details!