Python Program to print all distinct uncommon digits present in two given numbers

Given two positive integers A and B, the task is to print the distinct digits in descending order, which are not common in the two numbers.


Input: A = 378212, B = 78124590
Output: 9 5 4 3 0
Explanation: All distinct digits present in the two numbers are {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}. The digits {1, 2, 6, 7} are common in both numbers.

Input: A = 100, B = 273
Output: 7 3 2 1 0
Explanation: All distinct digits present in the two numbers are {0, 1, 2, 3, 7}. The digits {0, 1, 2, 3, 7} are common in both numbers.

Approach: The problem can be solved using sets, and lists in python. Follow the steps below to solve the problem:

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


# Python implementation
# of the above approach
# Function to print uncommon digits
# of two numbers in descending order
def disticntUncommonDigits(A, B):
    # Stores digits of A as string
    A = str(A)
    # Stores digits of B as string
    B = str(B)
    # Stores the characters
    # of A in a integer list
    lis1 = list(map(int, A))
    # Stores the characters
    # of B in a integer list
    lis2 = list(map(int, B))
    # Converts lis1 to set
    lis1 = set(lis1)
    # Converts lis2 to set
    lis2 = set(lis2)
    # Stores the uncommon digits present
    # in the sets lis1 and lis2
    lis = lis1.symmetric_difference(lis2)
    # Converts lis to list
    lis = list(lis)
    # Sort the list in descending order
    lis.sort(reverse = True)
    # Print the list lis
    for i in lis:
        print(i, end =" ")
# Driver Code
# Input
A = 378212
B = 78124590
disticntUncommonDigits(A, B)


9 5 4 3 0

Time Complexity: O(log10(A) + log10(B))
Auxiliary Space: O(log10(A) + log10(B))

Method #2:Using Operator.countOf() method


# Python implementation
# of the above approach
import operator as op
# Function to print uncommon digits
# of two numbers in descending order
def disticntUncommonDigits(A, B):
    # Stores digits of A as string
    A = str(A)
    # Stores digits of B as string
    B = str(B)
    # Stores the characters
    # of A in a integer list
    lis1 = list(map(int, A))
    # Stores the characters
    # of B in a integer list
    lis2 = list(map(int, B))
    res = []
    for i in lis1:
        if op.countOf(lis2, i) == 0:
    for i in lis2:
        if op.countOf(lis1, i) == 0:
    # Sort the list in descending order
    # Print the list lis
    for i in res:
        print(i, end=" ")
# Driver Code
# Input
A = 378212
B = 78124590
disticntUncommonDigits(A, B)


9 5 4 3 0 

Time Complexity: O(log10(A) + log10(B))
Auxiliary Space: O(log10(A) + log10(B))

Approach#3: Using set() and difference() and sorted and union

Convert both numbers A and B to sets of digits. Find uncommon digits in both sets by taking the set difference and union of the sets. Convert the resulting set of uncommon digits to a list and sort it in descending order. Print the list of uncommon digits as a string.


1. Initialize A and B with given values.
2. Convert A and B to sets of digits.
3. Find uncommon digits using set difference and union.
4. Convert resulting set to a list and sort it in descending order.
5. Print the list of uncommon digits as a string.


A = 378212
B = 78124590
# find unique digits in each number
digits_A = set(str(A))
digits_B = set(str(B))
# find uncommon digits using set difference
uncommon_digits = digits_A.difference(digits_B).union(digits_B.difference(digits_A))
# convert set to list and sort in descending order
uncommon_digits = sorted(list(uncommon_digits), reverse=True)
# print the list of uncommon digits
print(' '.join(uncommon_digits))


9 5 4 3 0

Time Complexity: O(m+n), where m and n are the number of digits in A and B, respectively. This is because the set() function and set difference and union operations take O(m) and O(n) time, respectively.

Space Complexity: O(m+n), where m and n are the number of digits in A and B, respectively. This is because we are storing the digits of A and B in sets, which take up O(m) and O(n) space, respectively. The resulting set of uncommon digits and the list of uncommon digits also take up O(m+n) space.