Python – scipy.fft.idst() method

With the help of scipy.fft.idst() method, we can compute the inverse of discrete sine transform by selecting different types of sequences and return the transformed array by using this method.


scipy.fft.idst(x, type=2)

Return value: It will return the transformed array.

Example #1: In this example, we can see that by using scipy.fft.idst() method, we are able to get the inverse of discrete sine transform by selecting different types of sequences by default it’s 2.


# import scipy
from scipy import fft
# Using scipy.fft.idst() method
gfg = fft.idst([1, 2, 3, 4])

Output :

[ 1.6421339  -0.2024893   0.09040392 -0.06497288]

Example #2 :


# import scipy
from scipy import fft
# Using scipy.fft.idst() method
gfg = fft.idst([-6, 5, -4, 3, -2, 1], 3)

Output :

[-0.02311678  0.00 -0.11785113  0.000 -1.20162809 -3.5]