Python Set symmetric_difference()

The symmetric difference of two sets set1 and set2 is the set of elements which are in either of the sets set1 or set2 but not in both.

Syntax :


Parameters :
It only takes a single set as the parameter. If a list, tuple or dictionary is passed it converts it a set and performs the task.

Return value :

Returns a set which is the symmetric difference between the two sets. 

Working Code for symmetric_difference() :

# Python program to demonstrate the use of 
# of symmetric_difference() method 
list1 = [1, 2, 3
list2 = [2, 3, 4
list3 = [3, 4, 5
# Convert list to sets
set1 = set(list1) 
set2 = set(list2) 
# Prints the symmetric difference when  
# set is passed as a parameter 
# Prints the symmetric difference when list is 
# passed as a parameter by converting it to a set

Output :

{1, 4}
{2, 5}