Python – spread()method in Wand

Spread replaces each pixel with the random pixel value found nearby. spread() function is used to apply Spread effect to the image. The size of the area to search for a new pixel can be controlled by defining a radius.

Syntax :

wand.image.spread(radius, method)

Parameters :

Parameter Input Type Description
radius numbers.Real Distance a pixel can be displaced from source. Default value is 0.0, which will allow ImageMagick to auto select a radius.
method basestring Interpolation method. Only available with ImageMagick-7. Optional parameter.

Source Image:

Example 1:

# Import Image from wand.image module
from wand.image import Image
# Read image using Image() function
with Image(filename ="koala.jpeg") as img:
    # Generate spread image using spread() function
    img.spread(radius = 8.0) ="spreadkoala.jpg")


Example 2: Increase radius value in spread() method.

# Import Image from wand.image module
from wand.image import Image
# Read image using Image() function
with Image(filename ="koala.jpeg") as img:
    # Generate spread image using spread() function
    img.spread(radius = 16.0) ="spreadkoala2.jpg")
