Python SQLite – Update Specific Column

In this article, we will discuss how to update a specific column of a table in SQLite using Python.

In order to update a particular column in a table in SQL, we use the UPDATE query. The UPDATE statement in SQL is used to update the data of an existing table in the database. We can update single columns as well as multiple columns using UPDATE statement as per our requirement.


UPDATE table_name

SET column1 = value1, column2 = value2…., column n = value n

WHERE [condition];

Below are some examples which depict how to use UPDATE query in SQLite using Python.

Example 1: We are going to create a STUDENT table and then perform update operations in it by updating the SNAME of a student whose SID is 1 in the table.


# importing sqlite3 module
import sqlite3
# create connection by using object to 
# connect with gfg database
connection = sqlite3.connect('gfg.db')
# query to create a table named STUDENT
connection.execute(''' CREATE TABLE STUDENTS
         SNAME           TEXT    NOT NULL,
         SAGE            INT     NOT NULL,
         ADDRESS        CHAR(50));
# insert query to insert student details 
# in the above table
    "INSERT INTO STUDENTS VALUES (1, 'mohan pavan', 22, 'ponnur' )")
    "INSERT INTO STUDENTS VALUES (2, 'sudheer', 28, 'chebrolu' )")
  "INSERT INTO STUDENTS VALUES (3, 'mohan', 22, 'tenali' )")
# creating cursor object to display all 
# the data in the table
cursor = connection.execute("SELECT * from STUDENTS")
# display data
print('\nOriginal Table:')
for row in cursor:
# update query to update sname to sravan 
# where id = 1
connection.execute("UPDATE STUDENTS set SNAME = 'sravan' where SID = 1")
# save the changes
# creating cursor object to display all
# the data in the table
cursor = connection.execute("SELECT * from STUDENTS")
# display data
print('\nUpdated Table:')
for row in cursor:


Example 2:

Here is another program where we update the ADDRESS of all the rows whose SAGE column value is 22 in the same table.


# importing sqlite3 module
import sqlite3
# create connection by using object 
# to connect with gfg database
connection = sqlite3.connect('gfg.db')
# insert query to insert student details
# in the above table
    "INSERT INTO STUDENTS VALUES (5, 'mohan pavan', 22, 'ponnur' )")
    "INSERT INTO STUDENTS VALUES (6, 'sudheer', 28, 'chebrolu' )")
  "INSERT INTO STUDENTS VALUES (7, 'mohan', 22, 'tenali' )")
# creating cursor object to display all
# the data in the table
cursor = connection.execute("SELECT * from STUDENTS")
# display data
print('\nOriginal Table:')
for row in cursor:
# update query to update ADDRESS
connection.execute("UPDATE STUDENTS set ADDRESS = 'naga' where SAGE = 22")
# save the changes
# creating cursor object to display 
# all the data in the table
cursor = connection.execute("SELECT * from STUDENTS")
# display data
print('\nUpdated Table:')
for row in cursor:
