Python | Sympy Ellipse() method

In sympy, the function Ellipse() is used to create ellipse from a center and two radii, the first being the horizontal radius (along the x-axis) and the second being the vertical radius (along the y-axis).

Syntax: Ellipse()

center: Point
hradius: number or SymPy expression, optional
vradius: number or SymPy expression, optional
eccentricity: number or SymPy expression, optional

Error: Raises Geometry Error when hradius, vradius and eccentricity are incorrectly supplied as parameters and Type Error when center is not a Point.

Example #1: Using center and radii

# import sympy and geometry module 
from sympy.geometry import Point, Ellipse
# using Ellipse()
e1 = Ellipse(Point(0, 0), 5, 1)



Example #2: Using center, hradius and eccentricity

# import sympy and geometry module 
from sympy.geometry import Point, Ellipse, Rational
# using Ellipse()
e2 = Ellipse(Point(3, 1), hradius=3, eccentricity=Rational(4, 5))


Ellipse(Point2D(3, 1), 3, 9/5)

Example #3: Using center, vradius and eccentricity

# import sympy and geometry module 
from sympy.geometry import Point, Ellipse, Rational
# using Ellipse()
e2 = Ellipse(Point(3, 1), vradius=3, eccentricity=Rational(4, 5))


Ellipse(Point2D(3, 1), 5, 3)