Python | sympy.Matrix() method

With the help of sympy.Matrix() method, we can make, rearrange, extract the different rows and columns in a matrix which is created by sympy.Matrix() method.

Syntax : sympy.Matrix() 
Return : Return a matrix. 

Example #1 :
In this example, we can see that by using sympy.Matrix() method, we can create a matrix or can extract the rows and columns. 


# Import all the methods from sympy
from sympy import *
# use the Matrix() method to create a matrix
gfg_val = Matrix([[1, sqrt(2)], [sqrt(2), 1]])

Output :

Matrix([[1, sqrt(2)], [sqrt(2), 1]]) 

Example #2 :


# Import all the methods from sympy
from sympy import *
# use the Matrix() method to create a matrix
gfg_val = Matrix([[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4]])

Output :

Matrix([[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4]])