Python Tkinter – SpinBox

The Spinbox widget in Tkinter is a numerical input field that allows users to select a value from a predefined range by either typing directly into the widget or by using up and down arrow buttons to increment or decrement the value.

Note: For more reference, you can read our article:

Tkinter Spinbox Widget Syntax

The syntax to use the Spinbox is given below:

Syntax: Spinbox ( master, options)


  • master: This parameter is used to represents the parent window.
  • options:There are many options which are available and they can be used as key-value pairs separated by commas.

Tkinter Spinbox Options

The following are commonly used Options that can be used with this widget:

  • activebackground: This option used to represent the background color when the slider and arrowheads is under the cursor.
  • bg: This option used to represent the normal background color displayed behind the label and indicator.
  • bd: This option used to represent the size of the border around the indicator and the default value is 2 pixels.
  • command: This option is associated with a function to be called when the state is changed.
  • cursor: By using this option, the mouse cursor will change to that pattern when it is over the type.
  • disabledforeground: This option used to represent the foreground color of the widget when it is disabled..
  • disabledbackground: This option used to represent the background color of the widget when it is disabled..
  • font: This option used to represent the font used for the text.
  • fg: This option used to represent the color used to render the text.
  • format: This option used to formatting the string and it’s has no default value.
  • from_: This option used to represent the minimum value.
  • justify: This option used to control how the text is justified: CENTER, LEFT, or RIGHT.
  • relief: This option used to represent the type of the border and It’s default value is set to SUNKEN.
  • repeatdelay: This option is used to control the button auto repeat and its default value is in milliseconds.
  • repeatinterval: This option is similar to repeatdelay.
  • state: This option used to represent the represents the state of the widget and its default value is NORMAL.
  • textvariable: This option used to control the behaviour of the widget text.
  • to: It specify the maximum limit of the widget value. The other is specified by the from_ option.
  • validate: This option is used to control how the widget value is validated.
  • validatecommand: This option is associated to the function callback which is used for the validation of the widget content.
  • values: This option used to represent the tuple containing the values for this widget.
  • vcmd: This option is same as validation command.
  • width: This option is used to represents the width of the widget.
  • wrap: This option wraps up the up and down button the Spinbox.
  • xscrollcommand: This options is set to the set() method of scrollbar to make this widget horizontally scrollable.


Methods used in this widgets are as follows:

  • delete(startindex, endindex): This method is used to delete the characters present at the specified range.
  • get(startindex, endindex): This method is used to get the characters present in the specified range.
  • identify(x, y): This method is used to identify the widget’s element within the specified range.
  • index(index): This method is used to get the absolute value of the given index.
  • insert(index, string): This method is used to insert the string at the specified index.
  • invoke(element): This method is used to invoke the callback associated with the widget.

SpinBox Widget in Tkinter Example

In this example, below code sets up a Tkinter window with a Spinbox widget allowing users to select values from 0 to 100. When the value changes, it prints the new value. The Spinbox has customizable appearance options like width, relief, and color, and it’s placed in the window with padding.

import tkinter as tk

def on_spinbox_change():
    value = spinbox.get()
    print("Value changed to:", value)

root = tk.Tk()

# Creating a Spinbox
spinbox = tk.Spinbox(root, from_=0, to=100, width=10, relief="sunken", repeatdelay=500, repeatinterval=100,
                     font=("Arial", 12), bg="lightgrey", fg="blue", command=on_spinbox_change)

# Setting options for the Spinbox
spinbox.config(state="normal", cursor="hand2", bd=3, justify="center", wrap=True)

# Placing the Spinbox in the window
spinbox.pack(padx=20, pady=20)

