Python | Ways to remove n characters from start of given string

Given a string and a number ‘n’, the task is to remove a string of length ‘n’ from the start of the string. Let’s a few methods to solve the given task. 

Method #1: Using Naive Method 


# Python3 code to demonstrate
# how to remove 'n' characters from starting
# of a string
# Initialising string
ini_string1 = 'garg_akshat'
# Initialising number of characters to be removed
n = 5
# Printing initial string
print("Initial String", ini_string1)
# Removing n characters from string using
# Naive method
res = ''
for i in range(0, len(ini_string1)):
    if i >= n:
        res = res + ini_string1[i]
# Printing resultant string
print("Resultant String", res)


Initial String garg_akshat
Resultant String akshat

Time Complexity: O(n)
Auxiliary Space: O(n)

  Method #2: Using replace() 


# Python3 code to demonstrate
# how to remove 'n' characters from starting
# of a string
# Initialising string
ini_string1 = 'garg_akshat'
# Initialising number of characters to be removed
n = 5
# Printing initial string
print("Initial String", ini_string1)
# Removing n characters from string using
# replace() function
res = ini_string1.replace(ini_string1[:5], '', 1)
# Printing resultant string
print("Resultant String", res)


Initial String garg_akshat
Resultant String akshat

Time Complexity: O(n)
Auxiliary Space: O(n)

  Method #3: String slicing 


# Python3 code to demonstrate
# how to remove 'n' characters from starting
# of a string
# Initialising string
ini_string1 = 'gargakshat123'
# Initialising number of characters to be removed
n = 5
# Printing initial string
print("Initial String", ini_string1)
# Removing n characters from a string
# This argument count length from zero
# So length to be stripped is passed n-1
res = ini_string1[4:]
# Printing resultant string
print("Resultant String", res)


Initial String gargakshat123
Resultant String akshat123

Time Complexity: O(n)
Auxiliary Space: O(n)

Using the join() method and a list comprehension:


In this example, we have a string variable containing the original string and an n variable containing the number of characters we want to remove from the start of the string. We pass these variables as arguments to the remove_n_chars_from_start() function and store the result in the new_string variable. Finally, we print the new_string variable to see the resulting string after removing n characters from the start.


def remove_n_chars_from_start(string, n):
    return ''.join([string[i] for i in range(n, len(string))])
string = "hello world"
n = 3
new_string = remove_n_chars_from_start(string, n)
print(new_string)  # Output: "lo world"


lo world

Time Complexity: O(n), where n is the length of the string
Space Complexity: O(n)