List of Python GUI Library and Packages

Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) play a pivotal role in enhancing user interaction and experience. Python, known for its simplicity and versatility, has evolved into a prominent choice for building GUI applications. With the advent of Python 3, developers have been equipped with lots of tools and libraries to create robust and aesthetically pleasing graphical interfaces. Let’s delve into an overview of Python 3 for GUI applications, exploring its capabilities, tools, and popular libraries.

Top Python GUI Packages and Libraries

Below, we will see the List of Python GUI libraries and Packages with key features and pros and cons.

Table of Content

  1. Tkinter
  2. Kivy
  3. Streamlit
  4. PyQt
  5. PyGUI
  7. PySimpleGUI
  8. Libavg
  9. PyForms

1. Tkinter

TKinter is an open-source and standard GUI toolkit for Python. TKinter is a wrapper around tcl / TK graphical interface. TKinter is popular because of its simplicity and having a very old and active community. Also, it comes included with most binary distributions of Python. TKinter is fully portable for Macintosh, Windows, and Linux platforms. It’s a good toolkit to start with since TKinter is mostly preferred for small-scale GUI applications. 

Why and When Use Tkinter?

Tkinter is best used when we want to build applications with buttons, text boxes, menus and other interactive elements. Tkinter is commonly employed for making desktop applications, ranging from simple tools to more complex software. It is specially used for projects where a user friendly interface is necessary. Whether you’re creating a calculator, a game, or a data visualization tool, Tkinter provides a straightforward way to design and implement GUIs in Python.

Features of Tkinter

  • Lightweight: Tkinter is included with Python’s standard library, making it lightweight and easily accessible.
  • Simple to learn: It has a straightforward syntax, making it suitable for beginners to quickly grasp and start building GUI applications.
  • Rapid prototyping: Ideal for rapid application development due to its simplicity and ease of use.
  • Good for basic GUIs: Well-suited for creating simple graphical user interfaces for small to medium-sized projects.

Pros of Tkinter

Cons of Tkinter

Excellent documentation Larger memory footprint
Lightweight and bundled with Python Limited built-in widgets
Simplicity in basic GUI development Less modern appearance

2. Kivy

Kivy is an OpenGL accelerated framework, very popular among developers for developing GUI apps. Kivy is an open-source Python library, which can also be used for developing NUI (Natural User Interface). With Kivy, mobile applications and other multitouch application software can be developed. Applications developed with Kivy can run on Android, IOS, Linux, and Windows. Developing an application using Kivy is interesting.

Why and When Use Kivy?

Kivy is beneficial when you create cross-platform applications that run on various devices like smartphones, tablets, desktops, and even Raspberry Pi. Kivy’s main advantage lies in its ability to provide a consistent user experience across different platforms.Kivy supports innovative features such as multi-touch gestures. Whether you’re building a mobile game, a productivity tool, or an educational app, Kivy offers a versatile solution for developing modern and responsive user interfaces.

Features of Kivy

  • Cross-platform: Kivy allows building applications that run on multiple platforms such as Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, and Android.
  • Multi-touch support: Provides built-in support for multi-touch interfaces, making it suitable for touchscreen devices.
  • Open-source and free: Kivy is open-source and free to use, which makes it accessible to developers of all levels.
  • Flexible: Offers a wide range of widgets and tools for creating highly customizable and interactive user interfaces.

Pros of Kivy

Cons of Kivy

Easy to learn and suitable for small apps Lack of native look and feel
Cross-platform (supports iOS, Android) Steeper learning curve for complex apps
Open-source and MIT licensed Performance may suffer in complex apps

3. Streamlit

Streamlit is a tool that helps people make interactive websites easily. It’s like a special set of tools for programmers who use Python. They can quickly turn their data programs into apps that others can use. With Streamlit, you can create cool displays for your data and even make machine learning programs. It’s great for scientists and developers because it’s easy to use and helps them make apps fast.

Why and When Use Streamlit?

Streamlit is useful when we need to create data-driven applications or dashboards that allow users to explore and visualize data in real-time. Streamlit simplifies the process of creating web apps by providing a simple way to develop them directly from Python code. It’s ideal for data analysts and developers who want to share their machine learning models, data visualizations with others. With Streamlit, you can rapidly iterate on your ideas and deploy them as web apps without dealing with complex web development frameworks.


  • Simple Interface: Easy web app creation with Python, no need for HTML or JavaScript.
  • Instant Updates: Changes in code are instantly reflected in the app without refreshing.
  • Various Components: Offers a range of elements like sliders and graphs for app customization.
  • Effortless Sharing: Share apps by sending a link, no complex deployment process needed.

Pros of Streamlit

Cons of Streamlit

Simple and intuitive interface.

Limited customization options.

Rapid development with real-time iteration.

Scalability challenges for large deployments.

Active community support for assistance and resources.

Lack of advanced UI components.

4. PyQt

PyQt toolkit is a wrapper around the QT framework. PyQt is one of the most loved cross-platform Python binding over C++ implementing QT-library for QT framework. PyQT can be used for large-scale GUI applications since it takes no time to develop a GUI. One can simply design the window using QT Designerbe bound and easily convert the UI code to (Python) code and after that logic can be bound to each widget. But at the beginning stage of learning PyQt, writing code manually is always a good practice, because that is how you learn. 

Why and When Use PyQt?

PyQt is used when you need to develop robust and feature-rich desktop applications that run seamlessly on different operating systems like Windows, macOS, and Linux. PyQt provides extensive support for building complex GUI, including widgets, layouts, and event handling. It’s suitable for a wide range of applications, from simple uses to complex software with advanced functionalities. Whether you’re developing a text editor, a music player PyQt offers the flexibility and performance needed to create professional desktop applications with ease.


  • Mature and stable: PyQT5 has been around for a while and is widely used, ensuring stability and reliability.
  • Extensive documentation: It comes with comprehensive documentation and a large community, making it easier to find help and resources.
  • Supports modern design: Allows the creation of modern and visually appealing user interfaces with features like CSS styling and animations.

Pros of PyQT

Cons of PyQT

Robust and feature-rich GUI toolkit Steeper learning curve
Wide adoption in industry Licensing restrictions (GPL)

5. PyGUI

PyGUI is a Python library for creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs) with simplicity and flexibility. It offers an easy-to-use interface to design and customize GUI elements, making it suitable for both beginners and experienced developers. PyGUI enables rapid development of cross-platform applications with its support for various operating systems and widgets.

Why and When Use PyGUI?

Making a user-friendly GUI that works well on different systems can be quite a challenge. However, it doesn’t have to be so difficult. By using Python along with the PyGUI module, you can design attractive and intuitive interfaces that both you and your users will appreciate and enjoy using. PyGUI not be the best choice for complex applications require extensive platform-specific functionality. Overall, PyGUI is ideal for beginners or for rapidly prototyping GUIs in Python.


  • Simple syntax: PyGUI provides a straightforward syntax, making it easy to create GUI applications quickly.
  • Lightweight: It is designed to be lightweight and minimalistic, suitable for simple projects and rapid prototyping.
  • Cross-platform compatibility: PyGUI applications can be deployed on various operating systems including Windows, macOS, and Linux.
  • Basic functionality: Well-suited for simple GUI applications that don’t require advanced features or complex designs.

Pros of PyGUI

Cons of PyGUI

Rich set of widgets and tools Documentation can be lacking
Lightweight and easy to learn Limited features compared to others
Suitable for simple GUI applications Less community support


wxPython is a Python library that enables the creation of cross-platform desktop applications with graphical user interfaces (GUIs). It provides a variety of customizable widgets and tools for building interactive applications. With its simple syntax and extensive documentation, wxPython is suitable for beginners and experienced developers alike. It supports platforms such as Windows, macOS, and Linux, making it versatile for developing applications.

Why and When Use WXPYTHON?

WXPYTHON is uses when you need to develop cross-platform desktop applications with a rich set of GUI components and advanced features. wxPython offers a wide range of widgets, including buttons, text controls, grids, and more, making it suitable for building complex and professional-grade applications. wxPython particularly useful when you require a high level of customization and flexibility in your GUI, as wxPython allows for extensive styling and theming options.


  • Simple syntax: PyGUI provides a straightforward syntax, making it easy to create GUI applications quickly.
  • Lightweight: It is designed to be lightweight and minimalistic, suitable for simple projects and rapid prototyping.
  • Cross-platform compatibility: PyGUI applications can be deployed on various operating systems including Windows, macOS, and Linux.
  • Basic functionality: Well-suited for simple GUI applications that don’t require advanced features or complex designs.



Mature and stable GUI toolkit Smaller user base compared to others
Familiar API for those with Windows GUI Not as actively maintained

Pythonic syntax and design

Smaller user base compared to others

7. PySimpleGUI

PySimpleGUI follows a straightforward approach to building GUIs, making it accessible to developers of all skill levels. It offers a variety of pre-built elements, or “widgets,” that you can easily incorporate into your interface. Some of the available widgets include buttons, input fields, sliders, checkboxes, and more.

Why and When Use PySimpleGUI?

PySimpleGUI uses when you need to quickly develop GUI applications without dealing with the complexities of traditional GUI frameworks. PySimpleGUI offers a high-level interface that simplifies the process of building GUIs It’s provides a wide range of built-in widgets and layout options. PySimpleGUI is useful for creating small-scale applications or tools where simplicity and ease of use are more important than advanced features or customization options.


  • Simplified syntax: PySimpleGUI provides an easy-to-understand syntax, allowing developers to create GUIs with minimal code.
  • Rapid development: Enables rapid development of GUI applications, making it suitable for prototyping and small projects.
  • Extensive community support: PySimpleGUI has an active community and comprehensive documentation, offering help and resources to developers.
  • Customizable layouts: Allows customization of layouts and designs to create visually appealing user interfaces.

Pros of PySimpleGUI

Cons of PySimpleGUI

Easy integration with existing Python Less cross-platform compatibility
Extremely easy to learn and use Limited customization options
Rapid prototyping Not suitable for complex applications

8. Libavg

Libavg is a high-level development platform for creating media-centric applications using Python. It provides tools for creating interactive multimedia experiences, such as animations, presentations, and touch-based interfaces. Libavg’s framework simplifies the integration of various media types, enabling developers to focus on creative content rather than low-level coding tasks.

Why and When Use Libavg?

Libavg uses for building interactive presentations, educational software, multimedia installations, and more. It supports a wide range of multimedia formats and allows for integration of audio, video and graphics. Libavg is particularly useful when you require precise control over multimedia elements and want to create immersive user experiences. Overall, Libavg is an excellent choice for developers looking to create complex multimedia applications with a focus on interactivity and visual appeal.


  • Multimedia support: Libavg offers built-in support for multimedia elements like audio, video, and animations.
  • Hardware-accelerated graphics: Utilizes hardware acceleration for smooth rendering of graphics and animations.
  • Scalable vector graphics: Supports scalable vector graphics (SVG) for creating high-quality and resolution-independent visuals.
  • Event-driven programming: Uses an event-driven programming model, allowing developers to create interactive applications with ease.

Pros of Libavg

Cons of Libavg

Supports multiple GUI backends

Limited documentation and community

High performance graphics Limited documentation and community
Supports multimedia and animations Smaller user base

9. PyForms

PyForms is a Python framework designed for developing GUI applications with ease. It offers a drag-and-drop interface builder along with a wide range of pre-built widgets, making it suitable for rapid prototyping and development. PyForms supports both desktop and web applications, allowing developers to create cross-platform solutions efficiently. With its simple syntax and extensive documentation, PyForms is an excellent choice for developers looking to create user-friendly interfaces in Python.

Why and When Use PyForms?

PyForms uses when you need to develop sophisticated desktop applications with advanced GUI components and features. PyForms offers a high-level interface for building complex forms and applications, making it suitable for projects that require data visualization, data entry.PyForms is an excellent choice when you need to develop GUI-based applications efficiently, especially for projects that involve data visualization, form-based interactions, or complex data handling.


  • Form-based approach: PyForms simplifies GUI development by focusing on form-based interfaces, suitable for data input and manipulation.
  • Customizable widgets: Offers a variety of customizable widgets for creating tailored user interfaces to suit specific needs.
  • Integration with other libraries: Allows integration with other Python libraries, expanding its functionality and capabilities.
  • Visual designer: Provides a visual designer tool for designing GUI layouts visually, speeding up the development process for designers and developers.

Pros of PyForms

Cons of PyForms

Well-suited for multimedia applications Learning curve may be steep
Integrates with Qt Designer Limited community and resources
Provides a visual form designer Less flexibility compared to pure PyQt


In conclusion, Python offers a variety of GUI libraries, each with its own set of strengths and weaknesses. PyQT5 and Kivy stand out for their robustness and cross-platform support, while Tkinter remains popular for its simplicity and ease of learning. Developers seeking lightweight options may prefer PyGUI or PySimpleGUI, whereas those targeting multimedia applications may opt for Libavg. WxPython caters well to Windows-centric projects, although it may lack the same level of community support as other libraries.