Qualcomm Interview Experience

Round 1: 

This round consists of 3 sections each containing 20 questions which have to be solved in 30 min.

After 30 min each section was switched to next automatically. The marking scheme for this round was +1 for the correct answer and -0.25 for the wrong answer.

Section 1: Quantitative Aptitude, Logical Reasoning, Data Interpretation & Verbal. The data interpretation questions were really difficult, the logical aptitude questions varied from medium to hard range.

Section 2: Basic computer programming questions related to pointers, structures, memory-related problems and some output based questions, questions from bit manipulation. The difficulty level varied from easy to medium.

Section 3: Computer Science problems related to DBMS, operating system, computer networks. Questions level varied from easy to medium.

The score in this test matters a lot. Try to answer only the questions you know.

Round 2:

First Technical round: He asked me to choose any one of my projects and explain in detail.

  1. Structures and unions, the concept of padding in structures.
  2. How memory is allocated using calloc and malloc functions.
  3. How is free keyword different from delete.
  4. How does free() know the size of memory to be deallocated? https://www.w3wiki.net/g-fact-88/
  5. How does a process look like in memory, the difference between global variables and static variables?
  6. Different scopes of variables and to explain when each of them is used and why, when and how do we use the extern keyword.
  7. What is a void pointer and how do we use it.
  8.  Threading concept and how stack behaves in multi-threading environment and few pThread concepts.
  9.  Page fault and steps followed to handle it.
  10. How to check if a given number is a power of 2, only using bitwise operators.
  11. N meetings in a room.https://www.w3wiki.net/activity-selection-problem-greedy-algo-1/
  12.  One puzzle: There are three boxes, one contains only apples, one contains only oranges, and one contains both apples and oranges. The boxes have been incorrectly labelled such that no label identifies the actual contents of the box it labels. Opening just one box, and without looking in the box, you take out one piece of fruit. By looking at the fruit, how can you immediately label all of the boxes correctly?

Then he asked me to ask any questions if I had. I asked a few.

Second Technical round: He asked some questions from my resume. He then asked me to explain one of my Machine Learning projects.

  1. Different System calls and why do we use them.https://www.w3wiki.net/operating-system-introduction-system-call/
  2. Difference between Kernel and Operating System.
  3. Different phases of Compiler and in-detail explanation of each of the phases.
  4. How compiler does intermediate code optimization?
  5. What are Static and Dynamic Libraries?https://www.w3wiki.net/static-vs-dynamic-libraries/
  6. Why do we use Cache Memory?
  7. What is Cache Coherence Protocol and when do we use them.
  8. Difference between Scheduler and Dispatcher.
  9. What are the applications of Unions? and problem-related to Unions.
  10. How to detect and remove the loop from the Linked List.

Round 3: This was HR round. First, she asked to give a brief introduction of myself and why I want to join Qualcomm. Few background questions and which city I would prefer to work. She also asked me about relocation. She then asked me to ask any questions if I have. I asked a few.

My HR round lasted for 20 minutes.

The result was announced in the evening and  22 of us got the full-time offer(both Software and Hardware).