Qualcomm Interview Experience | Off-Campus 2021

Qualcomm Hyderabad Off-Campus Hiring for Driver Developer

Round 1: Basic round

Time: 1 hr

  • What are structure and union, why is union preferred over structure in embedded systems.
  • Structure padding concept
size of below structure
struct st
  short int   s;
  char        c;
  int         i;
} st_var;

Round 2: Most of the questions related to OS only

Time: 1 hr

  • What is the CPU scheduling algorithm, types
  • PCB and process table, attribute of the process, process vs thread
  • Dispatcher vs Scheduler.
  • Which scheduling algorithm implemented in Linux
  • Question-related GIT, Linux
  • How booting happens in Linux, what is the init process in Linux?
  • IPC, Mutex vs binary semaphore and which you will use
  • Device driver, character driver
  • Question-related to deadlock
  • Virtual memory, segmentation, page table
  • Input and output control in Linux

Round 3: Third round: 1.5 hrs

  • Program to check overflow condition while adding two number
  • Difference between 32bit and 64-bit processor
  • Program to check 32bit or 64-bit processor
  • https://www.quora.com/What-C-code-can-check-whether-the-OS-is-32-bit-or-64-bit
  • Program array rotation by k
  • Little endian vs big endian https://www.w3wiki.net/little-and-big-endian-mystery/
  • How to check little-endian and big-endian https://www.w3wiki.net/little-and-big-endian-mystery/
  • Resume based questions
  • What is interrupt, types, interrupt life cycle, how it’s working in line https://linux-kernel-labs.github.io/refs/heads/master/lectures/interrupts.html
  • What is CPU, the hierarchy of memory
  • write one assembly language code and explain, How CPU executed any instructions with help of register, ALU, control signal,
  • Behavior questions

Round 4: Time 1.5 hrs

  • Note: first 30 min relates to the kernel and architecture of the system and two Hackerrank problems need to solve within the time limit.
  • What kernel, how its works
  • Process and threads, adv of threads
  • Threads sharing the same address space
  • User mode vs kernel mode
  • Virtual memory
  • If secondary memory is not available then virtual memory is required or not
  • Device driver, character driver
  • What API and its significance
  • How users interacted with the kernel and vice versa step by step.
  • How I/O call happened
  • What is a system call
  • What happened when the user requests any system call with respect to kernel
  • Use of driver
  • Role of CPU
  • What happened when any process required memory access
  • DMA concept
  • Interprocess communication
  • How to communicate to the driver
  • More questions related to kernel, driver
  • Memory leak, how to identified memory leak in system https://www.w3wiki.net/what-is-memory-leak-how-can-we-avoid/
  • Two Hackerrank programs First one is https://www.w3wiki.net/delete-nodes-list-greater-x/ and the second one is https://www.w3wiki.net/problems/decimal-equivalent-of-binary-linked-list/1
  • Behavioral questions, culture fit questions

Verdict: Selected

Best of luck !!