Quantiphi Interview Experience (On-Campus) 2022-23

Quantiphi is an AI-ML based Product company

Recruitment process:

  • * It hires for 3 roles Framework engineer (FE ), BA(Business Analyst ), and ML (Machine Learning) roles depending on the score of the Online Test round.
  • 1st company to visit the college off-campus of LNCT, Bhopal on 28 June 2022, it was 2 day campus drive 1st day of an online test ( 1 round ) with 80 question.
  • Next I know about the process of the Framework Engineer, after the test we were called at college campus for the pre-placement talk (PPT) and announcing results of Online test.( more than 600 students appeared )
  • Next we had online tech- Interview ( 2 round ) to 50 qualified students in Framework Engineer (FE) role ( total ~80 ( FE + ML + BA ) ).
  • I have given interview from college cabin at 2pm slot same day as interviews were scheduled quick after the PPT . Students selected received mail for Technical- Interview on superset platform.
  • Next round 36+2 were shortlisted ( 2 shifted from BA to FE role after technical interview) . And Next day all students are called at College campus for HR Interview.
  • Same day we were informed that coding round will also be conducted , so Offline-Coding (Round 3 ) pen paper mode conducted for 38 students.
  • Next they shortlisted ~16 students for Final Interview. Some of us had given HR-interview online . Interviews were scheduling continuously whole day , selected students got mail for slot of HR interview. But Last Five of us ( students) have been directly called for Offline HR Interview round ( 4th Round ) (and 3 out of 5 of us were finally selected for FE Role ).
  • Next day At Late night results were announced. And total of 21 students were selected (12 FE role.)

Round 1 : MCQ + Coding: Total of 80 questions ( 78 + 2 coding ( medium-level ))
Aptitude round : Various subjects and lang basics like (8-9 ques) on each section:
Like OS,CN ,DBMS , Js, Html, Probability, Code Completion , Output prediction of o/p (java, python, c++ )

Last 2 Questions(79,80) of Coding :

  • Need to convert the no in base 62 pattern , with instruction given 0-9 will be numbers , 10-35 will be uppercase letters A-Z , 36- 61 a-z , basically like in ASCII we had 65 as ‘A’ , 97 as ‘a’ , 48 as ‘0’ so accordingly we need to make logic , just need to divide the no by 62 and keep on storing remainders and later on convert them to final string according to login set in hash map
  • Was related to query given in from of 2-d matrix and we need to perform some operation on them after searching elements it this , This code run only partially , I could not optimize it(later friend told to use segment trees to optimize it .)

On basis of this divided in 3 categories like FE,BA,ML

After results GD was conducted for BA role – Then interview, (not for FE selected students) , We directly had a technical Interview Scheduled.(At 2 pm)

Round 2: Technical Interview On SuperSet Portal (45-50 minutes): Start with brief Introduction (3-4 min) , Then after intro he cross- questioned me on my technologies used in Project. Spring boot, Spring mvc, mysql, Rest_Api, aws basics etc

  • Asked Me About MVC , Servlet, Thymeleaf, Mysql , How to make database connection in springboot project etc. as I mentioned them in my projects tools.
  • Next He asked about Java basics Interfaces in java , Api features of Java 8 , Basics of OOPS ,
  • From DBMS & OS he asked about ACID properties , Queries to fetch nth highest salary,
  • Run time Polymorphism , Thread Synchronization , Deadlock Overcoming methods etc.
  • One program on super_set-complier to check perfect no or not.
    eg 6 -> 1,2,3 ]factors excluding no itself the 1+2+3=6
    BASED on Performance , we were called in college next Day

Round 3: Coding Test :3 Coding ques (2 basic , 1 medium in 0.5 hr time conducted in classroom offline as pen paper test . After this 15 something students were selected for Final Interview. Interviews are scheduled at different slots whole day. At last 5 of us were called for Directly HR Interview in Offline Mode. (3 of us were selected ). Mine Started at 8:30 pm around and lasted till 9:10 pm. (40 min)

Round 4: Final HR Interview

  • Basic intro ( 2 min )
  • Question on Projects Technologies used , why used only MYSQL database , Differences in Boot, MVC, Servlet .
  • Basics of EC2, S3 services of AWS . Future aims with this project, Problem solved by this project in real world.
  • Basics HR question : Why u want to Join Quantiphi.
  • Why u are not going for higher Studies.
  • Why we should hire u , compare to others.
  • What are your future plans.

Conditions based Ques. :

  • Your manager has suggested a solution , but u know it will not be efficient how u will convince him and what if he insists to follow his instructions.
  • Your team members are disappointed by your unprofessional behaviour and not contributing with their 100%. How u can coordinate with them.