Queries to check if it is possible to join boxes in a circle

Consider n boxes numbered arranged in a circle in increasing order in clockwise direction (numbered from 1 to n). You are given q queries, each containing two integer i and j. The task is to check whether it is possible to connect box i to box j by a rod without intersecting rods used to join other boxes in previous queries. Also, every box can be connected to at most one other box and no box can be connected to itself.

Input: n = 10, q = 7 
q1 = (1, 5) 
q2 = (2, 7) 
q3 = (2, 3) 
q4 = (2, 4) 
q5 = (9, 9) 
q6 = (10, 9) 
q7 = (8, 6)
Box 1 and v 5 can be connected by a rod. 
Box 2 and Box 7 cannot be connected by a rod because this rod intersects with the rod connecting Box 1 and Box 5. 
Box 2 and Box 3 can be connected without criss-cross. 
Box 2 and Box 4 cannot be connected as Box 2 is already connected to Box 3. 
Box 9 and Box 9 cannot be connected as no box can be connected to itself. 
Box 10 and Box 9 can be connected. 
Box 8 and Box 6 can be connected.


Suppose box x is already connected to box y. And we need to connect box i to box j. 
Now, observe there can be two cases where two rods connecting box i and box j will intersect with rod connecting box x and box y. 
Case 1: x < i and y lies between i and j: 

Case 2: x lies between i and j and y >j: 

We will explicitly check the case of whether a rod is intends to connect to itself or if the rod intends to connect two boxes such that at least one of them is already connected.
Hence, we will check the above two condition. If any of two meet, it is not possible to connect else we can connect the boxes. 
Below is the implementation of the above approach:


// C++ implementation of above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#define MAX 50
// Print the answer to each query
void solveQuery(int n, int q, int qi[], int qj[])
    int arr[MAX];
    for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++)
        arr[i] = 0;
    for (int k = 0; k < q; k++) {
        // setting the flag for exception
        int flag = 0;
        // replacing the greater element in i and j
        if (qj[k] < qi[k]) {
            int temp = qi[k];
            qi[k] = qj[k];
            qj[k] = temp;
        // checking if that box is not
        // used in previous query.
        if (arr[qi[k]] != 0 || arr[qj[k]] != 0)
            flag = 1;
        // checking if connecting to the same box
        else if (qi[k] == qj[k])
            flag = 1;
        else {
            // case 1: x < i and y lies between i and j
            for (int i = 1; i < qi[k]; i++) {
                if (arr[i] != 0 && arr[i] < qj[k] && qi[k] < arr[i]) {
                    flag = 1;
            // case 2: x lies between i and j and y >j
            if (flag == 0) {
                for (int i = qi[k] + 1; i < qj[k]; i++) {
                    if (arr[i] != 0 && arr[i] > qj[k]) {
                        flag = 1;
        // if flag is not reset inbetween.
        if (flag == 0) {
            cout << "YES\n";
            arr[qi[k]] = qj[k];
            arr[qj[k]] = qi[k];
            cout << "NO\n";
// Driver code
int main()
    int n = 10;
    int q = 7;
    int qi[] = { 1, 2, 2, 2, 9, 10, 8 };
    int qj[] = { 5, 7, 3, 4, 9, 9, 6 };
    solveQuery(n, q, qi, qj);
    return 0;


// Java implementation of
// above approach
class GFG
static int MAX = 50;
// Print the answer to each query
static void solveQuery(int n, int q,
                       int qi[], int qj[])
int[] arr = new int[MAX];
for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++)
    arr[i] = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < q; k++)
    // setting the flag for exception
    int flag = 0;
    // replacing the greater
    // element in i and j
    if (qj[k] < qi[k])
        int temp = qi[k];
        qi[k] = qj[k];
        qj[k] = temp;
    // checking if that box is not
    // used in previous query.
    if (arr[qi[k]] != 0 ||
        arr[qj[k]] != 0)
        flag = 1;
    // checking if connecting
    // to the same box
    else if (qi[k] == qj[k])
        flag = 1;
        // case 1: x < i and y lies
        // between i and j
        for (int i = 1; i < qi[k]; i++)
            if (arr[i] != 0 && arr[i] < qj[k] &&
                                qi[k] < arr[i])
                flag = 1;
        // case 2: x lies between
        // i and j and y >j
        if (flag == 0)
            for (int i = qi[k] + 1;
                     i < qj[k]; i++)
                if (arr[i] != 0 && arr[i] > qj[k])
                    flag = 1;
    // if flag is not reset inbetween.
    if (flag == 0)
        arr[qi[k]] = qj[k];
        arr[qj[k]] = qi[k];
// Driver code
public static void main(String[] args)
    int n = 10;
    int q = 7;
    int qi[] = { 1, 2, 2, 2, 9, 10, 8 };
    int qj[] = { 5, 7, 3, 4, 9, 9, 6 };
    solveQuery(n, q, qi, qj);
// This code is contributed
// by ChitraNayal

Python 3

# Python 3 implementation of
# above approach
MAX = 50
# Print the answer to each query
def solveQuery(n, q, qi, qj):
    arr = [None] * MAX
    for i in range(n + 1):
        arr[i] = 0
    for k in range(q):
        # setting the flag
        # for exception
        flag = 0
        # replacing the greater
        # element in i and j
        if (qj[k] < qi[k]):
            qj[k], qi[k] = qi[k], qj[k]
        # checking if that box is not
        # used in previous query.
        if (arr[qi[k]] != 0 or
            arr[qj[k]] != 0):
            flag = 1
        # checking if connecting
        # to the same box
        elif (qi[k] == qj[k]):
            flag = 1
        else :
            # case 1: x < i and y
            # lies between i and j
            for i in range(1, qi[k]) :
                if (arr[i] != 0 and
                    arr[i] < qj[k] and
                    qi[k] < arr[i]):
                    flag = 1
            # case 2: x lies between
            # i and j and y >j
            if (flag == 0):
                for i in range(qi[k] + 1, qj[k]) :
                    if (arr[i] != 0 and
                        arr[i] > qj[k]):
                        flag = 1
        # if flag is not reset inbetween.
        if (flag == 0):
            arr[qi[k]] = qj[k]
            arr[qj[k]] = qi[k]
# Driver code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    n = 10
    q = 7
    qi = [ 1, 2, 2, 2, 9, 10, 8 ]
    qj = [ 5, 7, 3, 4, 9, 9, 6 ]
    solveQuery(n, q, qi, qj)
# This code is contributed
# by ChitraNayal


// C# implementation of
// above approach
using System;
class GFG
static int MAX = 50;
// Print the answer to each query
static void solveQuery(int n, int q,
                       int[] qi, int[] qj)
int[] arr = new int[MAX];
for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++)
    arr[i] = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < q; k++)
    // setting the flag for exception
    int flag = 0;
    // replacing the greater
    // element in i and j
    if (qj[k] < qi[k])
        int temp = qi[k];
        qi[k] = qj[k];
        qj[k] = temp;
    // checking if that box is not
    // used in previous query.
    if (arr[qi[k]] != 0 || arr[qj[k]] != 0)
        flag = 1;
    // checking if connecting
    // to the same box
    else if (qi[k] == qj[k])
        flag = 1;
        // case 1: x < i and y lies
        // between i and j
        for (int i = 1; i < qi[k]; i++)
            if (arr[i] != 0 && arr[i] < qj[k] &&
                                qi[k] < arr[i])
                flag = 1;
        // case 2: x lies between
        // i and j and y >j
        if (flag == 0)
            for (int i = qi[k] + 1;
                     i < qj[k]; i++)
                if (arr[i] != 0 &&
                    arr[i] > qj[k])
                    flag = 1;
    // if flag is not reset inbetween.
    if (flag == 0)
        arr[qi[k]] = qj[k];
        arr[qj[k]] = qi[k];
// Driver code
public static void Main()
    int n = 10;
    int q = 7;
    int[] qi = { 1, 2, 2, 2, 9, 10, 8 };
    int[] qj = { 5, 7, 3, 4, 9, 9, 6 };
    solveQuery(n, q, qi, qj);
// This code is contributed
// by ChitraNayal


// PHP implementation of
// above approach
$MAX = 50;
// Print the answer to each query
function solveQuery($n, $q, &$qi, &$qj)
    global $MAX;
    $arr = array_fill(0, $MAX, NULL);
    for ($i = 0; $i <= $n; $i++)
        $arr[$i] = 0;
    for ($k = 0; $k < $q; $k++)
        // setting the flag
        // for exception
        $flag = 0;
        // replacing the greater
        // element in i and j
        if ($qj[$k] < $qi[$k])
            $temp = $qi[$k];
            $qi[$k] = $qj[$k];
            $qj[$k] = $temp;
        // checking if that box is not
        // used in previous query.
        if ($arr[$qi[$k]] != 0 ||
            $arr[$qj[$k]] != 0)
            $flag = 1;
        // checking if connecting
        // to the same box
        else if ($qi[$k] == $qj[$k])
            $flag = 1;
            // case 1: x < i and y lies
            // between i and j
            for ($i = 1; $i < $qi[$k]; $i++)
                if ($arr[$i] != 0 && $arr[$i] <
                    $qj[$k] && $qi[$k] < $arr[$i])
                    $flag = 1;
            // case 2: x lies between
            // i and j and y >j
            if ($flag == 0)
                for ($i = $qi[$k] + 1;
                     $i < $qj[$k]; $i++)
                    if ($arr[$i] != 0 &&
                        $arr[$i] > $qj[$k])
                        $flag = 1;
        // if flag is not reset inbetween.
        if ($flag == 0)
            echo "YES\n";
            $arr[$qi[$k]] = $qj[$k];
            $arr[$qj[$k]] = $qi[$k];
            echo "NO\n";
// Driver code
$n = 10;
$q = 7;
$qi = array( 1, 2, 2, 2, 9, 10, 8 );
$qj = array( 5, 7, 3, 4, 9, 9, 6 );
solveQuery($n, $q, $qi, $qj);
// This code is contributed
// by ChitraNayal


// Javascript implementation of above approach
var MAX = 50
// Print the answer to each query
function solveQuery(n, q, qi, qj)
    var arr = Array(MAX);
    for (var i = 0; i <= n; i++)
        arr[i] = 0;
    for (var k = 0; k < q; k++) {
        // setting the flag for exception
        var flag = 0;
        // replacing the greater element in i and j
        if (qj[k] < qi[k]) {
            var temp = qi[k];
            qi[k] = qj[k];
            qj[k] = temp;
        // checking if that box is not
        // used in previous query.
        if (arr[qi[k]] != 0 || arr[qj[k]] != 0)
            flag = 1;
        // checking if connecting to the same box
        else if (qi[k] == qj[k])
            flag = 1;
        else {
            // case 1: x < i and y lies between i and j
            for (var i = 1; i < qi[k]; i++) {
                if (arr[i] != 0 && arr[i] < qj[k] && qi[k] < arr[i]) {
                    flag = 1;
            // case 2: x lies between i and j and y >j
            if (flag == 0) {
                for (var i = qi[k] + 1; i < qj[k]; i++) {
                    if (arr[i] != 0 && arr[i] > qj[k]) {
                        flag = 1;
        // if flag is not reset inbetween.
        if (flag == 0) {
            document.write( "YES<br>");
            arr[qi[k]] = qj[k];
            arr[qj[k]] = qi[k];
            document.write( "NO<br>");
// Driver code
var n = 10;
var q = 7;
var qi = [1, 2, 2, 2, 9, 10, 8 ];
var qj = [5, 7, 3, 4, 9, 9, 6 ];
solveQuery(n, q, qi, qj);




Time Complexity: O(q*val) where val is the maximum element in the query array.

Auxiliary Space: O(MAX)