Queries to count numbers from a range which does not contain digit K in their decimal or octal representation

Given an integer K and an array Q[][] consisting of N queries of type {L, R}, the task for each query is to print the count of numbers from the range [L, R] that doesn’t contain the digit K in their decimal representation or octal representation.


Input: K = 7, Q[][] = {{1, 15}}
Output: 13
Only number 7 and 15 contains digit K in its octal or decimal representations.
Octal representation of number 7 is 7.
Octal representation of number 15 is 17.

Input: K = 8, Q[][] = {{1, 10}}
Output: 9
Only number 8 contains digit K in its decimal representations.
Octal representation of number 8 is 10.

Naive Approach: The idea is to traverse the range [L, R] for each query and find those numbers whose decimal and octal representations does not contain the digit K. Print the count of such numbers. 

Time Complexity: O(N2*(log10(N) + log8(N)))
Auxiliary Space: O(N)

Efficient Approach: To optimize the above approach, the idea is to pre-compute the count of all such numbers using Prefix Sum technique. Follow the steps below to solve the problem:

  • Initialize an array, say pref[], to store the count of numbers in the range [0, i] that contains digit K in their octal or decimal representation.
  • Now traverse the range [0, 1e6] and perform the following steps:
    • If the number contains digit K in either octal representation or decimal representation, then update pref[i] as pref[i – 1] + 1.
    • Otherwise, update pref[i] as pref[i – 1].
  • Traverse the given queries and print the count for each query as

Q[i][1] – Q[i][0] + 1 – (pref[Q[i][1]] – pref[Q[i][0] – 1])

Below is the implementation for the above approach : 


// C++ program for the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to check if the given digit
// 'K' is present in the decimal and octal
// representations of num or not
bool contains(int num, int K, int base)
    // Stores if the digit exists
    // or not
    bool isThere = 0;
    // Iterate till nums is non-zero
    while (num) {
        // Find the remainder
        int remainder = num % base;
        // If the remainder is K
        if (remainder == K) {
            isThere = 1;
        num /= base;
    return isThere;
// Function to count the numbers in the
// range [1, N] such that it doesn't
// contain the digit 'K' in its decimal
// and octal representation
void count(int n, int k,
           vector<vector<int> > v)
    // Stores count of numbers in the
    // range [0, i] that contains the
    // digit 'K' in its octal or
    // decimal representation
    int pref[1000005] = { 0 };
    // Traverse the range [0, 1e6 + 5]
    for (int i = 1; i < 1e6 + 5; i++) {
        // Check if i contains the digit
        // 'K' in its decimal or
        // octal representation
        bool present
            = contains(i, k, 10)
              || contains(i, k, 8);
        // Update pref[i]
        pref[i] += pref[i - 1] + present;
    // Print the answer of queries
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        cout << v[i][1] - v[i][0] + 1
                    - (pref[v[i][1]]
                       - pref[v[i][0] - 1])
             << ' ';
// Driver Code
int main()
    int K = 7;
    vector<vector<int> > Q = { { 2, 5 },
                               { 1, 15 } };
    int N = Q.size();
    // Function Call
    count(N, K, Q);


// Java program for the above approach
import java.util.*;
public class GFG
  // Function to check if the given digit
  // 'K' is present in the decimal and octal
  // representations of num or not
  static boolean contains(int num, int K, int Base)
    // Stores if the digit exists
    // or not
    boolean isThere = false;
    // Iterate till nums is non-zero
    while (num > 0)
      // Find the remainder
      int remainder = num % Base;
      // If the remainder is K
      if (remainder == K)
        isThere = true;
      num /= Base;
    return isThere;
  // Function to count the numbers in the
  // range [1, N] such that it doesn't
  // contain the digit 'K' in its decimal
  // and octal representation
  static void count(int n, int k,
                    Vector<Vector<Integer> > v)
    // Stores count of numbers in the
    // range [0, i] that contains the
    // digit 'K' in its octal or
    // decimal representation
    int[] pref = new int[1000005];
    // Traverse the range [0, 1e6 + 5]
    for (int i = 1; i < 1e6 + 5; i++) {
      // Check if i contains the digit
      // 'K' in its decimal or
      // octal representation
      boolean present
        = contains(i, k, 10)
        || contains(i, k, 8);
      // Update pref[i]
        pref[i] += pref[i - 1] + 1;
    // Print the answer of queries
    System.out.print((v.get(0).get(1) - v.get(0).get(0) +
                      1 - (pref[v.get(0).get(1)] -
                           pref[v.get(0).get(0) - 1])) + " ");
    System.out.print((v.get(1).get(1) - v.get(1).get(0) -
                      (pref[v.get(1).get(1)] -
                       pref[v.get(1).get(0) - 1])) + " ");
  // Driver code
  public static void main(String[] args)
    int K = 7;
    Vector<Vector<Integer> > Q = new Vector<Vector<Integer> >();
    Q.add(new Vector<Integer>());
    Q.add(new Vector<Integer>());
    int N = Q.size();
    // Function Call
    count(N, K, Q);
// This code is contributed by divyeshrabadiya07.


# Python3 program for the above approach
# Function to check if the given digit
# 'K' is present in the decimal and octal
# representations of num or not
def contains(num, K, base):
    # Stores if the digit exists
    # or not
    isThere = 0
    # Iterate till nums is non-zero
    while (num):
        # Find the remainder
        remainder = num % base
        # If the remainder is K
        if (remainder == K):
            isThere = 1
        num //= base
    return isThere
# Function to count the numbers in the
# range [1, N] such that it doesn't
# contain the digit 'K' in its decimal
# and octal representation
def count(n, k, v):
    # Stores count of numbers in the
    # range [0, i] that contains the
    # digit 'K' in its octal or
    # decimal representation
    pref = [0]*1000005
    # Traverse the range [0, 1e6 + 5]
    for i in range(1, 10 ** 6 + 5):
        # Check if i contains the digit
        # 'K' in its decimal or
        # octal representation
        present = contains(i, k, 10) or contains(i, k, 8)
        # Update pref[i]
        pref[i] += pref[i - 1] + present
    # Print the answer of queries
    for i in range(n):
        print(v[i][1] - v[i][0] + 1- (pref[v[i][1]]- pref[v[i][0] - 1]),end=" ")
# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    K = 7
    Q = [ [ 2, 5 ],
       [ 1, 15 ] ]
    N = len(Q)
    # Function Call
    count(N, K, Q)
    # This code is contributed by mohit kumar 29.


// C# program for the above approach
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
class GFG {
  // Function to check if the given digit
  // 'K' is present in the decimal and octal
  // representations of num or not
  static bool contains(int num, int K, int Base)
    // Stores if the digit exists
    // or not
    bool isThere = false;
    // Iterate till nums is non-zero
    while (num > 0)
      // Find the remainder
      int remainder = num % Base;
      // If the remainder is K
      if (remainder == K)
        isThere = true;
      num /= Base;
    return isThere;
  // Function to count the numbers in the
  // range [1, N] such that it doesn't
  // contain the digit 'K' in its decimal
  // and octal representation
  static void count(int n, int k,
                    List<List<int> > v)
    // Stores count of numbers in the
    // range [0, i] that contains the
    // digit 'K' in its octal or
    // decimal representation
    int[] pref = new int[1000005];
    // Traverse the range [0, 1e6 + 5]
    for (int i = 1; i < 1e6 + 5; i++) {
      // Check if i contains the digit
      // 'K' in its decimal or
      // octal representation
      bool present
        = contains(i, k, 10)
        || contains(i, k, 8);
      // Update pref[i]
        pref[i] += pref[i - 1] + 1;
    // Print the answer of queries
    Console.Write((v[0][1] - v[0][0] + 1 - (pref[v[0][1]] - pref[v[0][0] - 1])) + " ");
    Console.Write((v[1][1] - v[1][0] - (pref[v[1][1]] - pref[v[1][0] - 1])) + " ");
  // Driver code
  static void Main()
    int K = 7;
    List<List<int> > Q = new List<List<int>>();
    Q.Add(new List<int>());
    Q.Add(new List<int>());
    int N = Q.Count;
    // Function Call
    count(N, K, Q);
// This code is contributed by divyesh072019.


// Javascript program for the above approach
// Function to check if the given digit
// 'K' is present in the decimal and octal
// representations of num or not
function contains(num, K, base)
    // Stores if the digit exists
    // or not
    var isThere = 0;
    // Iterate till nums is non-zero
    while (num) {
        // Find the remainder
        var remainder = num % base;
        // If the remainder is K
        if (remainder == K) {
            isThere = 1;
        num /= base;
    return isThere;
// Function to count the numbers in the
// range [1, N] such that it doesn't
// contain the digit 'K' in its decimal
// and octal representation
function count(n, k, v)
    // Stores count of numbers in the
    // range [0, i] that contains the
    // digit 'K' in its octal or
    // decimal representation
    var pref = Array(100005).fill(0);
    // Traverse the range [0, 1e6 + 5]
    for (var i = 1; i < 100005; i++) {
        // Check if i contains the digit
        // 'K' in its decimal or
        // octal representation
        var present
            = contains(i, k, 10)
              || contains(i, k, 8);
        // Update pref[i]
        pref[i] += pref[i - 1] + present;
    // Print the answer of queries
    for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        document.write( v[i][1] - v[i][0] + 1
                    - (pref[v[i][1]]
                       - pref[v[i][0] - 1])
             + ' ');
// Driver Code
var K = 7;
var Q = [ [ 2, 5 ], [1, 15 ]];
var N = Q.length;
// Function Call
count(N, K, Q);


4 13


 Time Complexity:O(N*(log 10(N)+log8(N)))
Auxiliary Space: O(N)