CBSE Class 8 History Chapter 9 – The Making Of National Movement : 1870s-1947

The August Movement, also known as the Quit India Movement, was a watershed moment in the Indian National Movement. It was on 8th August 1942 civil disobedience action that demanded an end to British rule in India. Mahatma Gandhi led the movement, which was a vital step toward India’s freedom.

Quit India Movement

Role of Gandhi

The Quit India Campaign was centered on Mahatma Gandhi. He was instrumental in rousing millions of Indians to join the struggle and popularising the slogan “Do or Die” among Indian nationalists. Gandhi envisioned India as a free and democratic country where people of all religions and classes might coexist together.

Gandhi’s nonviolent approach to the struggle was markedly different from the violent techniques used by some of the other nationalist leaders. He believed in the power of truth and nonviolence and considered them as the only ways for India to achieve true independence. Millions of Indians were inspired to join the independence struggle by Gandhi’s leadership of the Quit India Movement.

Role of Muslim League

The Muslim League, led by Mohammad Ali Jinnah, initially opposed the Quit India Movement. They believed that it would harm British war efforts and that cooperating with the British would benefit them more. However, as the Quit India Movement gained traction, the Muslim League was pressed by its members and supporters to join it. The League, on the other hand, had a different vision for India’s future, and they demanded Pakistan, a separate nation for Muslims.

General Constituencies

The Quit India Movement drew large crowds, particularly from ordinary citizens in general constituencies. They actively took part in rallies, demonstrations, and protests, and many were brutally repressed by British authorities. People from all walks of life supported the Quit India Movement, including peasants, workers, students, and intellectuals. The movement was especially popular in rural areas where people were impoverished and exploited by the British.


The Quit India Movement arose in response to the British government’s failure to grant India full independence. For decades, the Indian National Congress had sought independence, but the British government had refused to grant it. The collapse of the Cripps Mission in 1942, which promised India dominion status after the war, sparked the Quit India Movement.

The movement was also a reaction to India’s deteriorating economic realities. The British government had commandeered Indian resources for the war effort, causing widespread scarcity and inflation. The movement called for an end to British exploitation of India’s resources, as well as the establishment of a more equal economic structure.


The British administration reacted violently to the Quit India Movement. Thousands of individuals were detained and imprisoned as a result of the movement’s widespread violence and repression. In addition, the government implemented strict censorship regulations, making it illegal to publish anything disparaging of the government or the war effort.

Despite the government’s persecution, the Quit India Campaign grew in strength. Strikes and protests were organized around the country, and the campaign grew into a broad movement that included people from all walks of life. Repression by the government simply served to empower the movement and make it more determined to achieve its goals.

Direct Action Day

On August 16, 1946, the Muslim League declared a “Direct Action Day” to protest against the proposed federal system of government. The day turned violent, leading to communal riots in Calcutta (now Kolkata) and other parts of India, resulting in the deaths of thousands of people.


The Quit India Movement was a watershed moment in India’s national movement. It was a major step towards Indian independence, forcing the British government to take the demand for independence seriously. The movement also brought together people from all over India and from various social backgrounds, fostering a sense of national togetherness and pride.

The Quit India Movement had a significant impact on the world as well. It influenced later anti-colonial movements in Asia and Africa, demonstrating the effectiveness of nonviolent resistance in attaining political change. The civil rights movement in the United States was affected by the movement, and leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr. were encouraged to use nonviolent methods of resistance.

FAQs on Quit India Movement

Que 1. What is Quit India Movement?


The Quit India Movement was a major civil disobedience movement launched by the Indian National Congress in August 1942, calling for the British to leave India immediately. It was led by Mahatma Gandhi and marked a turning point in India’s struggle for independence.

Que 2. When was Quit India Movement started?


On 8th August 1942 the Quit India Movement was started.

Que 3. What was the other name of the Quit India Movement?


The August Movement. or the August Kranti in india.