R Program to Calculate Simple Interest

Basically, Simple Interest is a quick method to calculate the interest charge of a loan. It is determined by multiplying the principal amount by the daily interest rate by the number of days which elapse between the payments. It gets estimated day to day-with the help of mathematical terms.

we will create a program to calculate simple interest in R Programming Language.


Simple Interest = (P x R x T)/100 

The Algorithm is:

  1. First, we need to define the Principle, Rate, and Interest
  2. Then, need to Apply the formula
  3. Finally, we can print the Simple Interest.

Here we create an R program to calculate Simple Interest:


# Function to calculate the Simple Interest
calculate_simple_interest <- function(principal, rate, time) {
  # Simple Interest formula: SI = P * R * T / 100
  simple_interest <- (principal * rate * time) / 100
# Input values
principal <- 10000 
rate <- 12        
time <- 5         
# Calculate the simple interest using the function
result <- calculate_simple_interest(principal, rate, time)
# Display the result
cat("Simple Interest:", result)


Simple Interest: 6000

In the mentioned program, define a function like ‘calculate_simple_interest‘ which takes three arguments called ‘principal‘, ‘rate‘, and ‘time’. Then the function used the Formula for Calculating the Simple Interest.

Example 2: Here’s another approach to calculating simple interest in R using a more concise method


# Input values
principal <- 1000
rate <- 5
time <- 2
# Calculate simple interest
simple_interest <- (principal * rate * time) / 100
# Print the result
cat("Principal amount: $", principal, "\n")
cat("Rate of interest: ", rate, "%\n")
cat("Time: ", time, " years\n")
cat("Simple Interest: $", simple_interest, "\n")


Principal amount: $ 1000 

Rate of interest: 5 %

Time: 2 years

Simple Interest: $ 100