Radiosity Rendering in Computer Graphics

Rendering is the process of generating images which look realistic, these renderings can be based on either 2D rendering or 3D and computer graphics are used when we want to manipulate a set of images in the form of pixels to show to computer devices. Computer graphics is used in many digital types of photography, film, entertainment, and other electronic gadgets.

In this article, we will understand the radiosity rendering in computer graphics in depth.

What is Radiosity Rendering?

Another popular concept in the field of computer graphics is radiosity rendering which is a popular algorithm used in computer graphics to create more accurate and realistic light effects and control how the lights interact with the surface in any scene. radiosity rendering is used in modern computer graphics to replicate the lights and show the light source distribution more accurately.

The main purpose of using radiosity rendering in computer graphics is to distribute the light in different ways by considering the direct illumination from the light source and the various indirect illuminations which may bounce off from the surface in any given environment.

Radiosity Rendering.

The radiosity is also known as the global illumination algorithm because it works as an algorithm which is popularly used in 3D computer graphics rendering, You may have heard about other direct illumination algorithms for example retracing etc.

These types of algorithms work by trying to simulate the lights which are reflecting off from the surface but they do it only for one time global elimination algorithm such as the radiosity algorithm tries to simulate many of the deflections in any particular scene which in return gives us a more natural reflection as well as shadow.

Working of Radiosity Rendering

Now that we have some basic idea about what radiosity rendering is, let’s also take a look at the working of radiosity rendering as we understand that reduced rendering is a popular technique which is used in computer graphics to simulate how the different lights in a particular scene interact with the surfaces which help us to create a more realistic view of the light and give us a clear and natural animation quality the working of radiosity rendering happens in the following steps:

1. Scene Division

The first step is the division of the scene in this step the scene is divided into smaller elements which are polygons on the curved surfaces.

2. Form Factor Calculation

After the board, a weak calculates the form factor for each of the pair of polygons the form factor is used to represent the different amounts of light energy which leave one polygon and reflect at another polygon the form factor depends on the geometric relationship between the polygons and their distance from each other as well.

3. Matrix Equation

The radiosity technique uses a matrix equation to solve the radiosity value of each polygon or patch the equation is used to relate the radiosity of each patch to the form factor between the particular patch or polygon and all the other polygons it also considers the reflected light.

4. Iterative Solution

The matrix equation is then solved iteratively until the reduced values come to some stable values in this process we calculate the direct illumination from the light sources as well as the indirect illumination from the other sources as well.

5. Rendering

This is the last step of the Radiosity rendering in this step once the radiosity values for all of the patches are determined they are used to calculate the final colour of each patch or polygon this means that it takes into consideration the material properties such as colour and reflectivity etc.

Example of Radiosity Rendering

Let’s understand the radiosity rendering with a real-life example so that we have a better understanding of how radiosity rendering works in computer graphics:

Example: A Room with Colored Walls:

Imagine that you have a room with four walls which are painted in different colours red Green Blue and white and there is a single light source in the centre of the room and the light source is hanging from the ceiling so let’s understand how we can render this scene using the Radiosity rendering so that we can accurately calculate the distribution of light and colour.

Following are the steps which are involved in radiosity rendering:

1. Scene Division: Till this step, the room is divided into different polygons or patches in this each wall is divided into a grid and each grid contains small elements so if the wall has 100 patches it will have a total of 400 patches for the entire room (a room has 4 walls.)

2. Form Factor Calculation: In this step, we calculate the form factor for each of the pair of patches this is calculated based on the geometric relationship as well as the distance from each other for example if there is a patch on the red wall then it will have a higher form factor with a patch which is on the white wall if they are facing each other directly as compared to if they are at different angles.

3. Matrix Equation: In this step, the reduced equation is set up and it is known as the Matrix Equation in this step we relate the radiosity of each of the patches to the form factors between the patches it contains immediate lights as well as reflected lights this equation is solved iteratively until the radiosity values intersect with each other.

4. Iterative Solution: The radiosity values for each of the patches are calculated iteratively and because it is radiosity rendering then both the direct as well as the indirect light source illumination are considered in this after iteratively solving this the radiosity values stabilise which indicates that we have a solution for the light balance.

5. Rendering: Once the reduced values are determined they are used to calculate the final colour of each patch this step takes into consideration the different material properties such as the colour of the walls etc Then the colour of each patch is computed based on the combination of reflected light as well as the emitted light.


Once all of the above steps are calculated accordingly then we get a final image of the room. In the final image, the colours of the wall are not only coming from the direct lights but also have indirect light sources which are bouncing off from the other walls this helps in getting a more natural looking and realistic output of the animation or graphics.

Formula of Radiosity Rendering

The radiosity equation or formula is one of the fundamental formulas which is used in radiosity rendering this formula is used to compute the distribution of lights within a particular scene.

This formula mathematically describes how the radiosity of each surface patch is directly influenced by the emission of light from that patch the reflectivity on the material and the incoming light from other neighbour patches. the formula for radiosity rendering can be represented as follows:


Bi is used to represent the radiosity of patch i.

Ei is used to represent the emitted radiosity of patch i.

ρi is used to represent the reflectivity of patch i.

Fij is used to represent the form factor between patches i and j.

η is the total number of patches in the scene.


In conclusion, we understood how radiosity rendering works in computer graphics it is a powerful technique which is used in computer graphics for simulating realistic lighting effects because it considers both the direct as well as indirect light interactions within a particular scene the radiosity rendering is used most often because it gives us a much better and realistic looking output of graphics as compared to other techniques.

Frequently Asked Questions on Radiosity Rendering – FAQs

How is Radiosity Rendering different from other rendering techniques?

Other techniques rarely depend on the data driven concept and calculate the light sources and the surface values later but the radiosity rendering calculates these metrics on the basis of data and calculates the light sources and surface values beforehand.

Why should we use Radiosity Rendering?

We should use the radiosity rendering because it provides us a better and more realistic graphics of the light sources and its surface lights which helps us to create more realistic lighting.

Which one is better Radiosity Rendering or Ray Tracing?

The ray tracing is good when we are working with graphics that requires reflections etc but when we are working with models that require light sources and more realistic shadows then radiosity rendering is considered as a better approach.