Rakuten Interview Experience for SDE 6 Month Internship

The company visited our College in January 2024. The company was in hurry for offering internship so we had only 2 rounds, i.e 1 OA round and 1 technical Interview Round. In OA we had total of 6 questions (4 MCQ and 2 medium level Coding Question). 2 students were selected for this round. In technical Interview Round They asked about My projects mentioned in the resume and asked 2 dsa question. The questions were :

Q1. You are given a note of 100rs. and suppose you are a shopkeeper and you want to return someone changes but you cant you Note of 10rs.

Direct answer for this question was, 1*50rs, 2*20rs, 3*2rs, 4*1rs. (After that he asked for logic)

Q2.Reverse all the elements from 1 to N-1. (For eg. 1 2 3 4 5 -> 5 4 3 2 1).

Only 1 student was selected finally.