Randomize Vector in R

In this article, we are going to see how to randomize a vector in R Programming Language.

Randomize means getting random elements from a vector, we can get the random elements in a vector by using sample() function.

Syntax: sample(data, size, replace)


  • data: indicates either vector or a positive integer or data frame
  • size: indicates size of sample to be taken
  • replace: indicates logical value. If TRUE, sample may have more than one same value

Example 1: Randomize Vector in R language.


# consider the vector1 with 5 elements
vector1 = c(12, "sravan", "bobby", 56, 78)
random_data = sample(vector1)
# display random data


[1] "sravan" "78"     "12"     "bobby"  "56"

Example 2: R program to get the random vector and display.


# consider the vector1 with 30 elements
vector1 = c(12,1,2,3,4,5,
random_data = sample(vector1)
# display random data
print("random data: ")
# get the random vector from
# the above vector with 10 elements
print("random data with 10 element : ")
random_data = sample(vector1,10)
# display random data


[1] “random data: “

 [1] “2”      “7”      “3”      “1”      “5”      “bobby”  “4”      “11”    

 [9] “6”      “8”      “13”     “14”     “56”     “15”     “17”     “20”    

[17] “19”     “12”     “5”      “78”     “3”      “1”      “12”     “18”    

[25] “16”     “4”      “9”      “sravan” “2”      “10”    

[1] “random data with 10 element : “

 [1] “11”     “20”     “78”     “16”     “bobby”  “14”     “1”      “17”    

 [9] “sravan” “4”