Introducing Rating System to GfG Weekly Coding Contest

Hey Geek! We’ve got some awesome updates coming your way:

Release: Starting from May 2024, all contests associated with GfG Weekly will be treated as Rated Contests.

Rating Algorithm: We’re thrilled to announce the introduction of a brand-new Rating Algorithm to enhance your contest experience. Say hello to the Elo MMR Rating System, a popular and trusted method used in competitive environments.

Inspiration from Codechef: Our system draws inspiration from Codechef’s implementation of the Elo MMR Rating System. You can check out more about it here.

What Does This Mean for You? Now, you can track your personal performance growth over time! See how you stack up against others and watch your skills grow with each contest.

Stars System: Alongside the Rating Algorithm, we’re introducing a shiny new Stars System. Earn stars as you progress and showcase your achievements for all to see.

<= 1399

1 star

1400 – 1599

2 star

1600 – 1799

3 star

1800 – 1999

4 star

2000 – 2199

5 star

2200 – 2499

6 star

>= 2500

7 star

We can’t wait for you to dive in and experience these exciting changes firsthand.

Happy Coding!