React onScroll Event

React onScroll helps to listen for scroll interactions within specific elements and trigger actions accordingly. It triggers whenever the scrolling position changes within the specified element. It is useful when implementing infinite scrolling, parallax effects, lazy loading, or dynamic UI changes.

It is similar to the HTML DOM onscroll event but uses the camelCase convention in React.


<element onScroll={function}/>

Parameter: The parameter for the onScroll event handler is a function that represents the action to be taken when the scrolling position is changed.

Return type: The return type of the function attached to onScroll doesn’t have a return value or a defined return type. Its purpose is to execute a set of instructions or perform actions in response to the scroll event.

Example 1: Basic implementation of onScroll() event to get the scroll position.


// App.js
import React, { useState } from "react";
function App() {
    const [scrollPosition, setScrollPosition] = useState(0);
    const handleScroll = (e) => {
        const { scrollTop, scrollHeight, clientHeight } =;
        const position = Math.ceil(
            (scrollTop / (scrollHeight - clientHeight)) * 100
    return (
                height: "300px",
                overflowY: "scroll",
                border: "1px solid #ccc",
            <h1 style={{ position: "fixed", color: "red" }}>
                Scroll Position: {scrollPosition}px
                Each and every modern webpage that we create today tend to have
                user interactions. When the user interacts with the web
                application events are fired. That event can be a mouse click, a
                keypress, or something rare like connecting the battery with a
                charger. From the developer side, we need to ‘listen’ to such
                events and then make our application respond accordingly. This
                is called event handling that provides a dynamic interface to a
                webpage. Like JavaScript DOM, React also provides us some
                built-in methods to create a listener that responds accordingly
                to a specific event.Now we will look at certain rules to keep in
                mind while creating events in React. camelCase Convention:
                Instead of using lowercase we use camelCase while giving names
                of the react events. That simply means we write ‘onClick’
                instead of ‘onclick’. Pass the event as a function: In React we
                pass a function enclosed by curly brackets as the event listener
                or event handler, unlike HTML where we pass the event handler or
                event listener as a string. Prevent the default: Just returning
                false inside the JSX element does not prevent the default
                behavior in react. Instead, we have to call the ‘preventDefault’
                method directly inside the event handler function. Each and
                every modern webpage that we create today tend to have user
                interactions. When the user interacts with the web application
                events are fired. That event can be a mouse click, a keypress,
                or something rare like connecting the battery with a charger.
                From the developer side, we need to ‘listen’ to such events and
                then make our application respond accordingly. This is called
                event handling that provides a dynamic interface to a webpage.
                Like JavaScript DOM, React also provides us some built-in
                methods to create a listener that responds accordingly to a
                specific event.Now we will look at certain rules to keep in mind
                while creating events in React. camelCase Convention: Instead of
                using lowercase we use camelCase while giving names of the react
                events. That simply means we write ‘onClick’ instead of
                ‘onclick’. Pass the event as a function: In React we pass a
                function enclosed by curly brackets as the event listener or
                event handler, unlike HTML where we pass the event handler or
                event listener as a string. Prevent the default: Just returning
                false inside the JSX element does not prevent the default
                behavior in react. Instead, we have to call the ‘preventDefault’
                method directly inside the event handler function.
export default App;


Example 2: Basic implementation of onScroll() event to change the background color according to scroll position.


import React, { useState } from "react";
function App() {
    const [backgroundColor, setBackgroundColor] = useState("white");
    const handleScroll = (event) => {
        const { scrollTop, scrollHeight, clientHeight } =;
        const scrollRatio = scrollTop / (scrollHeight - clientHeight);
        if (scrollRatio > 0.5) {
        } else {
    return (
                height: "300px",
                overflowY: "scroll",
                border: "1px solid #ccc",
                backgroundColor: backgroundColor,
                transition: "background-color 0.5s ease",
            <p style={{ paddingTop: "200px", textAlign: "center" }}>
                Scrollable Section
            <p style={{ paddingTop: "500px", textAlign: "center" }}>
                Keep scrolling...
            <p style={{ paddingTop: "800px", textAlign: "center" }}>
                Background Changes on Scroll
export default App;
