Reading Images With Python – Tkinter

There are numerous tools for designing GUI (Graphical User Interface) in Python such as tkinter, wxPython, JPython, etc where Tkinter is the standard Python GUI library, it provides a simple and efficient way to create GUI applications in Python.

Reading Images With Tkinter

In order to do various operations and manipulations on images, we require Python Pillow package. If the Pillow package is not present in the system then it can be installed using the below command.

  • In Command prompt:
    pip install Pillow
  • In Anaconda prompt:
    conda install -c anaconda pillow

Example 1: The below program demonstrates how to read images with tkinter using PIL.

# importing required packages
import tkinter
from PIL import ImageTk, Image
import os
# creating main window
root = tkinter.Tk()
# loading the image
img = ImageTk.PhotoImage("gfg.jpeg"))
# reading the image
panel = tkinter.Label(root, image = img)
# setting the application
panel.pack(side = "bottom", fill = "both",
           expand = "yes")
# running the application


In the above program, an image is loaded using the PhotoImage() method and then it is read by using the Label() method.The pack() method arranges the main window and the mainloop() function is used to run the application in an infinite loop.

Example 2: Let us look at another example where we arrange the image parameters along with application parameters.

# importing required packages
import tkinter  
from PIL import ImageTk, Image  
# creating main window
root = tkinter.Tk()  
# arranging application parameters
canvas = tkinter.Canvas(root, width = 500
                        height = 250)  
# loading the image
img = ImageTk.PhotoImage("gfg.ppm"))  
# arranging image parameters 
# in the application
canvas.create_image(135, 20, anchor = NW,
                   image = img) 
# running the application


In the above program, the application parameters are handled by using the Canvas() method and the image parameters are handled using create_image() method such that the image gfg.ppm is displayed in the main window having defined height and width.
Note: The Canvas method create_image(x0,y0, options …) is used to draw an image on a canvas. create_image doesn’t accept an image directly. It uses an object which is created by the PhotoImage() method. The PhotoImage class can only read GIF and PGM/PPM images from files.