Real Life Applications of Arithmetic Operations

Arithmetic operations are basic calculations you do with numbers. They include addition (combining numbers), subtraction (taking one number away from another), multiplication (repeated addition), and division (sharing or grouping numbers).

Arithmetic operations are core foundation of mathematics. In every aspect of our lives we use addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division for our calculations. In this article, you will learn about the various real-world applications of arithmetic operations.

Arithmetic Operations

Arithmetic operations means performing calculation on two or more numbers using 4 basic operators. These basic operators are addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (x), and division (÷).

For example, in (3 x 10) + 5, we perform multiplication on numbers 3, 10 and addition operations on numbers 30, 5.

Applications of Arithmetic Operations

The applications of arithmetic operations are limitless; we ourselves use them in our day-to-day lives, knowingly or unknowingly. These can range from simple calculations to complex scientific and engineering calculations.

Real Life Applications of Arithmetic Operations in Personal or Business Finance

You use these operations a lot for managing money at personal or business level. We calculate income, expenses, budget etc. using basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division operations.


  • Loan Payment: You can calculate monthly payment of loans by just diving the total loan by payment period in month. For example, 10,000 over 12 months means per month you must pay (10000/12) = 833.33.
  • Savings: You can calculate your monthly saving by subtracting the expenses from your earnings. For example, 50,000 is your monthly earning and monthly expense is 22,000, then you savings is (50000-22000) = 28000.
  • Investment: You can calculate the investment return by multiplying investment amount with the annual return rate. For example, 5,000 is your initial investment amount and there is a 5% annual return then (5,000 x 0.05) = 250 is your annual return.

Real Life Applications of Arithmetic Operations in Shopping

You use these operations when shopping to compare price difference between items, calculating discounts and calculating the total amount of items.


  • Comparing Prices: You subtract two items prices to check the difference. For example, one shirt costs 600 and the other costs 850 so the difference in prices is (850-600) = 250.
  • Calculating Discount: You can calculate the final price after applying a discount coupon. For example a shirt is priced at 200 and you have a 15% off coupon. First of all you calculate the discount amount which is (200 x 15 / 100 ) = 30, then from the original price subtract the discounted amount to get the final price which is (200 – 30) = 170.
  • Calculating the Total Bill: You add all the items prices to get the total amount. For example, you took 1 shirt for 200 and a pant for 400 then total amount is (200 + 400) = 600.

Real Life Applications of Arithmetic Operations in Construction

The calculation of the amount of materials needed for a project and determining the weight-bearing capacity of a structure, arithmetic operations are crucial.


  • Material Estimation: To paint a room, a painter might need to calculate the total area of the walls multiplying length by width to determine the amount of paint needed. For example, the length of the wall is 4m and breadth is 3m then area is (4 * 3) = 12 meter square.
  • Concrete Mixing: The proper ratio of water to cement in concrete is crucial for its strength. Construction workers might use multiplication to ensure the correct amount of each component is mixed based on the desired concrete volume.
  • Load Calculations: Engineers use complex calculations involving multiplication, division, and other mathematical operations to determine if a structure can safely bear a specific weight load.

Real Life Applications of Arithmetic Operations in Technology

In scientific experiments and technological advancements complex and precise measurements and calculations are used which is achieved by careful consideration of arithmetic operations.


  • Computer Graphics: For creating realistic 3D graphics in games and movies, complex calculations such as multiplication and division are used. For example, determining the position and size of objects on the screen requires multiplying coordinates by scaling factors.
  • Data Compression: When you download a file from the internet, it might be compressed to save space. Compression algorithms uses complex mathematical formulas which involves arithmetic operations for efficient encoding and decoding of data.
  • Cryptography: Secure communication online takes place using complex encryption and decryption techniques. These techniques most have complex calculations with large numbers using multiplication.

Real Life Applications of Arithmetic Operations in Games and Sports

Many games and sports always uses some kind of arithmetic calculations. Some strategic board games like sudoku often uses arithmetic operations for solving.


  • Video Games: In video games the game logic might need to calculate like resource costs, damage dealt, or travel distances. This often requires addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Sometimes player themselves need to calculate such basic calculations without the help of the game providing them such information.
  • Baseball: In baseball batter’s batting average requires dividing the total number of hits by the number of at-bats. The pitcher’s earned run average (ERA) involves dividing earned runs allowed by innings pitched, then multiplying by a factor to get a standardized rate.
  • Basketball: In Basketball the strategy used requires calculating scoring probabilities. For example, a player might consider the free throw percentage (success rate) and multiply it by the number of free throw attempts to estimate the likely number of points scored.

Must Read

Use of Arithmetic Operations

Arithmetic operations are fundamental to mathematics and computing, and they have numerous applications across different fields. Here are some key uses of arithmetic operations:

  • Basic Calculations: Arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division are used for basic calculations in daily life, from budgeting and cooking to time management and travel planning.
  • Education: Arithmetic is the foundation in Math. It helps students develop numeracy and problem-solving skills. It is crucial for understanding more complex mathematical concepts taught in higher grades.
  • Finance: In finance, arithmetic operations are essential for calculating interest rates, loan payments, financial forecasts, investments, and risk assessments.
  • Engineering: Engineers use arithmetic operations to design, analyze, and troubleshoot everything from electrical circuits and mechanical systems to chemical processes and civil infrastructure.

Real Life Applications of Arithmetic Operations – FAQs

Who is the father of arithmetic?

Brahmagupta is renowned as the “Father of Arithmetic.” He was a 7th-century Indian mathematician and astronomer.

How can I improve my arithmetic skills?

There are many ways to improve your arithmetic skills such as practicing with basic calculations, using online resources and games, and applying arithmetic in real-life scenarios which will help you speed up the calculations speed .

How are arithmetic operations used in higher mathematics?

Arithmetic operations are the building blocks of more advanced mathematical concepts such as algebra, calculus, and geometry. These advanced concepts depends on manipulating and combining basic arithmetic operations.

What is arithmetic in daily life?

Real-world applications of arithmetic include calculating the tip on a restaurant bill, determining the square footage of an apartment based on its dimensions, and balancing a checkbook.