Real Life Applications of Pulley

Pulleys have been around for a long time and they have been employed in the different kinds of mechanical systems to lift heavy loads with ease. They are simple machines consisting of a wheel with a groove around its edge, and a rope or belt that encircles the groove. The main purpose of a pulley is to change the line of action of the force required in lifting an object, which consequently makes it lighter to raise heavy objects.

In this article, we will cover the definition of Pulley, its application, and others in detail.

What is a Pulley?

A pulley is a simple machine that takes the load out of lifting weight by changing the direction of force needed to lift the weight. It is a ring that has a groove on the outer side and a rope or belt which fits into the groove. Whenever a pulling force is at the end of a rope, this force is transmitted through the wheel, and finally, this mechanical advantage emerges and allows the heavier weights to be lifted easily.

The most commonly used tool is a pulley that can be found at construction sites, factories, transportation, and entertainment.

Applications of Pulley in Real Life

Pulleys have served various applications with ages passing, and they seem to get even more employed as technology keeps on growing.

Applications of Pulley

Here are some common applications of pulleys:


Elevators rely on a complex pulley system to transport people and goods between floors. A powerful electric motor drives a large sheave (wheel) with a grooved rim. A steel cable looped around the sheave and attached to a counterweight on one end and the elevator cabin on the other transmits the force. As the motor rotates the sheave, the cable pulls the cabin up, while the counterweight descends, balancing the load and reducing the motor’s required power.

Guide rollers keep the cable aligned, and pulleys within the hoistway mechanism change the direction of the cable for smooth movement. Multiple pulleys can be used to create a block and tackle system, further multiplying the force for even heavier loads.


Construction cranes use a complicated set of pulleys as giant lifters. There is a system of pulleys and a cable that is threaded through them, which creates a mechanical advantage that enables the workers to lift heavy objects with little effort. The power of the load is divided among the pulleys, which results in the reduction of the force in the crane’s motor. This enables cranes to lift heavy loads, like pre-fabricated building sections, concrete beams, and heavy machinery.

Tower cranes, which are quite common on high-rise construction sites, use pulleys on the jib and trolley in order to make precise movements of loads. Even forklifts rely on pulleys within their lifting mechanism. A hydraulic ram raises and lowers a carriage, and a system of pulleys routes the cable to the forks, allowing the forklift to lift and stack pallets of materials.

Exercise Equipment

Weight machines use pulleys to adjust the weight to suit the workout requirements. With the help of cables and weights to a pulley system, individuals can isolate single muscle groups or perform complex exercises with smooth, controlled motions.

The direction of force can be easily changed by modifying the pulley layout, that leads to targeted exercises. Popular pulley-based machines include lat pulldowns, cable rows, and tricep extensions. Even free weights can utilize pulley systems with resistance bands attached to a fixed pulley, offering a wider range of motion and controlled tension.

Zip Lines

The exhilarating zip line ride relies on a single, fixed pulley. A strong steel cable is stretched between two points, often at a height, with a sturdy pulley firmly anchored at the upper end. The rider is strapped into a harness that is attached to a trolley having wheels or rollers which run smoothly on the cable.

Gravity is the major driving force as it propels the rider down the zip line while the pulley ensures the cable remains taut and provides a thrilling ride. Ziplines are used for transportation in difficult terrain and military operations, all because of the simple and effective pulley system.


From the simple wells to the most advanced irrigation systems, pulleys have a key role in agriculture. The pulleys were used to draw water from wells in the past. A rope tied to a pulley at the wellhead would be used to draw up a bucket filled with water. Nowadays, the center-pivot irrigation systems are equipped with a network of rotating pipes with truss rods as a support. Pulleys at the base of these trusses allow the entire structure to rotate, ensuring even distribution of water across vast fields. Pulleys can also be found in hoisting mechanisms for hay bales or grain sacks, making loading and unloading easier for farmers.


In conclusion, a pulley is a tool that simplifies a wide range of jobs saving time, energy, and, more joyful experiences. Pulley mechanism, has long had a wide applications, ranging from elevators, construction, to exercise equipment and even in zip lines. The applications of pulley system make us appreciate the importance of the type of objects and how they are carried around in our society, be it during work, play or lifting heavy assets.

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Frequently Asked Questions on Applications of Pulley

What is a pulley?

A pully is a simple machine made up of a wheel with a groove in it, a rope or a cable wrapped on it for lifting or moving the heavy objects.

Why are pulleys the most efficient parts for work?

Using the absolute power of the pulleys, a smaller force is needed to move heavy objects. Energy is evenly divided and transmitted more efficiently.

For what everyday life examples pulleys can be applied?

There are many different uses of pulleys in our surroundings, including lifts, construction, exercise equipment, and zip line.

Are there several kinds of pulleys?

Yes, there are different types of pulleys, including fixed pulleys, movable pulleys, and compound pulleys, each with its specific use and function.

How do pulleys help us?

The use of pulleys is aimed at increasing efficiency, reducing the amount of force exerted and making jobs on lifting or moving heavy objects easier.