Real Life Examples of Physical Changes

Physical Changes are the changes which can be reversed back to previous form without any disturbance. In everyday life, we see a lot of physical changes happening in surrounding such as melting of ice, dissolving of sugar in water etc. Physical change is a change in which no new substance forms. The chemical composition of a substance remains the same, just there is a change in its physical properties.

Examples of Physical Changes

We have compiled the real life examples of Physical Changes in the article below.

Real Life Examples of Physical Change

Physical changes can be observed all around us. Some of the real life examples of physical change around us is mentioned below:

Melting of Ice

When ice converts into water by giving it heat, it undergoes a physical change. There is no formation of new substances. It is a reversible change, as water can be converted to ice by cooling. The mass is also constant.

Boiling of Water

When water is exposed to heat, it starts boiling at 100 °C. At this temperature, liquid water starts converting into vapor. In this process, no new compound is formed. We can cool these water vapors and get back the liquid water.

Freezing of Water

When we freeze water in the refrigerator, it turns into ice. Ice is not a new material, but water. When we take ice out of the refrigerator, it melts by absorbing heat from the environment and again converting into liquid form.

Tearing Paper

When you tear a paper, it is also a physical change. The shape and size of paper changes but its chemical composition remains same. It is reversible process as we can make the paper again from these pieces.

Mixing Salt or Sugar in Water

When salt or sugar is dissolved in water, it is a physical change. The solution so obtained does not have a completely unique property but has property of water as well as sugar or salt depending upon what has been dissolved. Hence, no new substance gets formed in the process so it is a physical change. Also, we can separate water, sugar or salt by evaporation. Hence, it is a physical change.

Stretching Rubber

When rubber is stretched its shape and size changes but it regains that again after removing force so it is a physical change. Hence, here no new product is formed only shape is deformed temporarily. Thus stretching of rubber is a physical change.

Real Life Examples of Physical Changes – FAQs

What is physical change ?

The change in which physical properties of substance changes without changing its chemical composition is called physical change.

What remains constant in physical change ?

The mass of substance remains constant in physical change.

What are difference between physical and chemical change?

The main difference between physical change and chemical change is that in physical change no new product is formed with unique properties however in chemical change new substance is formed.

What are examples of physical change.

Examples of physical changes are melting of ice, dissolving sugar in water, boiling of water, stretching rubber.

Is cooking of food a physical change?

No, cooking of food is not a physical change.

Is breaking of glass is a physical change?

Yes, breaking of glass is a physical change as the pieces are of glass itself and can be recycled to produce glass again