Realm Sync And Local Cohabitation In MongoDB

MongoDB Realm is a mobile database solution that simplifies data synchronization and provides real-time capabilities for mobile and web applications. Realm Sync ensures that data is seamlessly synchronized between the client and server, allowing for offline-first experiences. However, developers often need to balance the use of Realm Sync with local data storage and access patterns. This article explores how to manage Realm Sync and local data cohabitation in MongoDB to build efficient and robust applications.

What is MongoDB Realm?

MongoDB Realm is a flexible, object-oriented database designed for mobile and web applications. It offers a range of features, including:

  • Local Database: A lightweight, embedded database for iOS, Android, and web applications.
  • Sync: Synchronizes data between the local Realm database and a MongoDB Atlas cluster.
  • Flexible Schema: Supports schema changes and migration with minimal disruption.
  • Reactive Programming: Enables reactive data updates, making it ideal for real-time applications.

Understanding Realm Sync

How Realm Sync Works

Realm Sync is a synchronization mechanism that allows data changes in a local Realm database to be automatically reflected in a MongoDB Atlas cluster, and vice versa. Here’s a high-level overview of how it works:

  • Initial Sync: When a client connects to the server, an initial sync is performed, ensuring that the local database contains the most recent data from the server.
  • Live Sync: As changes are made on either the client or the server, they are propagated in real-time. This bidirectional synchronization ensures that all instances of the database remain consistent.
  • Conflict Resolution: Realm Sync handles conflicts through a deterministic merging process, ensuring that changes are integrated seamlessly.

Benefits of Realm Sync

  • Real-Time Updates: Ensures that all connected clients have the latest data instantly.
  • Offline Support: Allows applications to function offline and sync changes when reconnected.
  • Ease of Use: Simplifies synchronization logic, reducing development complexity.
  • Security: Data is transmitted securely with encryption in transit and at rest.

Local Cohabitation in MongoDB

Local cohabitation refers to the ability of applications to function fully while offline by using the local Realm database. This feature is crucial for applications that need to maintain functionality without a constant internet connection.

How Local Cohabitation Works

  • Local Storage: The local Realm database stores all the necessary data for the application to function independently of the server.
  • Local Queries: Applications can query and update data locally, providing immediate feedback to the user.
  • Deferred Syncing: Once the application regains connectivity, changes made locally are synchronized with the server.

Benefits of Local Cohabitation

  • Improved User Experience: Users can interact with the application even without network access.
  • Performance: Local operations are faster since they do not rely on network latency.
  • Resilience: Applications remain robust and functional during network outages.

Implementing Realm Sync and Local Cohabitation

Setting Up Realm Sync

  • Create a Realm App: Start by creating a Realm app in the MongoDB Atlas dashboard. This app will serve as the bridge between your local Realm database and MongoDB Atlas.
  • Configure Sync Rules: Define the synchronization rules that specify which data will be synchronized between the local database and MongoDB Atlas. This includes setting up permissions, data partitioning, and conflict resolution strategies.
  • Integrate Realm SDK: Integrate the Realm SDK into your mobile or web application. This SDK provides the necessary APIs for interacting with the local Realm database and managing the synchronization process.
  • Implement Data Models: Define your data models using the Realm SDK. These models represent the data structure that will be stored locally and synchronized with MongoDB Atlas.
  • Start Sync: Initiate the synchronization process by calling the appropriate APIs provided by the Realm SDK. This will establish a connection to MongoDB Atlas and start the data sync process.

Here’s a basic example in Swift for an iOS application:

import RealmSwift

// Define your Realm object model
class Task: Object {
@objc dynamic var id = 0
@objc dynamic var name = ""
@objc dynamic var completed = false

// Initialize Realm
let realm = try! Realm()

// Open a Realm file and start a Sync session
let app = App(id: "your-app-id")
let user = app.currentUser!

let configuration = user.configuration(partitionValue: "your-partition")
let syncedRealm = try! Realm(configuration: configuration)

Implementing Local Cohabitation

  • Install MongoDB: Install MongoDB on the same device or environment where your application is running. This local instance will serve as the local data store.
  • Configure Connections: Configure your application to connect to both the local MongoDB instance and MongoDB Atlas. This will allow you to manage data access and synchronization between the two databases.
  • Define Data Flow: Design the data flow between the local MongoDB instance and MongoDB Atlas. This includes deciding which data should be stored locally and which should be synchronized with the remote server.
  • Implement Synchronization Logic: Implement the necessary logic to handle data synchronization between the local MongoDB instance and MongoDB Atlas. This may involve using custom scripts or third-party tools to ensure data consistency.
  • Test and Optimize: Test your application to ensure that data synchronization and local data access are working as expected. Optimize the configuration to improve performance and reduce resource usage.

Best Practices

  • Optimize Data Models: Design your data models to minimize conflict during synchronization.
  • Monitor Sync Performance: Regularly monitor and analyze the performance of your sync operations to detect and resolve issues.
  • Secure Data: Ensure data is encrypted and secure both locally and during transmission.
  • Test Offline Scenarios: Thoroughly test your application in various offline and online scenarios to ensure smooth operation.


Realm Sync and local cohabitation in MongoDB offer powerful capabilities for developers building modern, data-intensive applications. By leveraging these features, developers can create applications that provide a seamless user experience, with real-time data synchronization and offline capabilities. Whether you’re building a mobile app, a collaborative tool, or an IoT solution, the combination of Realm Sync and MongoDB’s local cohabitation can help you deliver a robust and responsive application that meets the needs of your users.