Recurrent Neural Networks in R

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) are a type of neural network that is able to process sequential data, such as time series, text, or audio. This makes them well-suited for tasks such as language translation, speech recognition, and time series prediction. In this article, we will explore how to implement and train an RNN in the R programming language.

Concepts related to RNNs:

Before diving into the implementation of an RNN in R, it is important to understand some key concepts related to RNNs.

  • Unrolled RNNs: In order to better understand the structure and operation of an RNN, it is helpful to think of it as an unrolled version of a traditional feedforward neural network. This means that an RNN can be thought of as a series of feedforward neural networks, where each layer is connected to the previous and next layers through a set of weights and biases.
  • Time steps: An RNN processes sequential data by breaking it down into a series of time steps. At each time step, the RNN takes in an input and produces an output based on the previous inputs and outputs.
  • Hidden state: An RNN maintains a hidden state, which is a summary of the information it has processed so far. This hidden state is updated at each time step based on the current input and the previous hidden state.

Steps needed to implement an RNN in R:

To implement an RNN in R, we will need to follow the following steps:

  1. Preprocess the data: Before training an RNN, we need to preprocess the data by splitting it into time steps and converting it into a form that can be used as input to the RNN.
  2. Define the RNN model: Next, we need to define the structure of the RNN model, including the number of layers and the number of units in each layer.
  3. Compile the RNN model: After defining the structure of the RNN, we need to compile it by specifying the loss function and optimization algorithm to be used.
  4. Train the RNN model: Once the RNN model has been compiled, we can train it by specifying the training data and the number of epochs to be used.
  5. Evaluate the RNN model: After training the RNN, we can evaluate its performance on the test data to see how well it has learned to make predictions.

To demonstrate how to implement and train an RNN in R, we will use a dataset of movie reviews from the Large Movie Review Dataset (IMDB). The goal of this example is to train an RNN to classify movie reviews as positive or negative.

In this example, we are using an embedding layer to represent the movie reviews as dense vectors, a single LSTM layer to process the sequences of word vectors, and a dense output layer with a sigmoid activation function to classify the reviews as either positive or negative.

First, we will start by installing and loading the necessary packages.


install.packages(c("keras", "tidyverse"))

Next, we will preprocess the data by converting the movie reviews into sequences of word indices and padding the sequences to have a fixed length.


max_words <- 10000
max_len <- 100
# Load the IMDB data
imdb <- dataset_imdb(num_words = max_words)
# Split the data into training and test sets
x_train <- imdb$train$x
y_train <- imdb$train$y
x_test <- imdb$test$x
y_test <- imdb$test$y
# Pad the sequences to have a fixed length
x_train <- pad_sequences(x_train, maxlen = max_len)
x_test <- pad_sequences(x_test, maxlen = max_len)

With the data preprocessed, we can now define the RNN model.


model <- keras_model_sequential() %>%
  layer_embedding(input_dim = max_words,
                  output_dim = 32) %>%
  layer_lstm(units = 32) %>%
  layer_dense(units = 1, activation = "sigmoid")

Next, we need to compile the model by specifying the loss function and optimization algorithm to be used.


model %>% compile(
  optimizer = "adam",
  loss = "binary_crossentropy",
  metrics = c("accuracy")

With the model defined and compiled, we can now train it by specifying the training data and the number of epochs to be used.


history <- model %>% fit(
  x_train, y_train,
  epochs = 10,
  batch_size = 32,
  validation_split = 0.2

Note that we are using a validation split of 0.2, which means that 20% of the training data will be used as a validation set to evaluate the model’s performance during training.

Finally, we can use the trained model to evaluate its performance on the test set:


scores <- model %>% evaluate(x_test, y_test,
                             verbose = 0)
print(paste("Test accuracy:", scores[[2]]))


"Test accuracy: 0.814639985561371"

This output is the test accuracy of the model, which is a measure of how well the model is able to classify the movie reviews as either positive or negative. Based on the above output, it appears that the RNN model was able to achieve a test accuracy of approximately 81.46%. This means that the model was able to correctly classify movie reviews as either positive or negative in 81.46% of cases.

Generally speaking, a test accuracy of around 80% or higher is considered good performance for many classification tasks. However, the specific threshold for acceptable performance can vary depending on the requirements of the application and the complexity of the data.


To improve the performance of the model, you may want to try adjusting the hyperparameters or structure of the RNN, such as increasing the number of units in the LSTM layer, adding additional LSTM layers, or using a different optimization algorithm. You may also want to consider using a different dataset or preprocessing the data in a different way to see if that improves the model’s performance.

Overall, this example demonstrates how to use an RNN to classify text data in R. By adjusting the hyperparameters and structure of the RNN, it may be possible to improve the performance of the model and achieve a higher test accuracy.