Red Hat Interview Experience for Software Engineer Intern (Off-Campus)

There was a total of 4 rounds after the “Application Shortlisting” part.

ROUND 1 (Aptitude Round): The aptitude questions were moderate and it covered all most all of the topics. It is not necessary for you to remember any formula. Most of the problem involved solving it logically. If you know the concepts you can solve. Majority of the questions were on probability, permutation combination, work and time, average, ratio, and few which combined the concepts. One could crack easily if you brush up the Aptitude concepts.

Programs: You need to be strong to answer this programmatic questions. All the questions were either from C or C++. some of the questions I remember was on

  • Macro functions With different signatures
  • Operators precedence checking snippet
  • Main within main function
  • Switch special cases
  • Loop exceptional cases
  • Storage classes and so on

ROUND 2 (Technical Interview 1): The First Technical Interview was with Team Leader, he just ask some technical questions and had some discussion on the projects I have made. Then there is a short discussion on the technologies I work and some Logical problems.

ROUND 3 (Technical Interview 2): In this Technical Interview, I was given two programs:

After there were some questions asked based on:

  • Computer Fundamentals (Operating System, Computer Networks)
  • DBMS
  • Some Language Related questions (in my case it was Python)