Relation Between India and Middle East

Relations between India and the Middle East have evolved throughout the years and this growth in relationship has been controlled by many factors. India has many relations with the Middle East such as economic ties, diaspora connections, energy security and diplomatic relations. There are important Indian investments in countries like Oman Egypt, Sudan, Iran, and beyond.

India and the Middle East have had relations since prehistoric times which dates back to the Indus Valley civilization and Mesopotamia. The relations with the Middle East are important for India as the Middle East is a strategic region with both geopolitical and geo-economic significance. India and the Middle East also share deep civilisational connections, cultural exchange and historical linkages. Every region in the Middle East appreciates India’s democracy, ancient civilisation and strategic partnership. The Middle East is a reservoir of resources and strategic location and is thus important to the whole world. The Prime Minister of India strengthened the ties between India and the Middle East since the beginning of his term.

Table of Content

  • History of Relationship between India and Middle East
  • Countries in the Middle East
  • Significance of the Middle East For India
  • Challenges Between India and Middle East
  • India’s Look West Policy
  • Gulf Cooperation Council
  • Recent Developments in India and Middle East Relation

History of Relationship between India and Middle East

India and the Middle East have a history of trade dating back to ancient times. The Silk Road and maritime routes connected the Indian subcontinent with the Arabian Peninsula and beyond. Cultural exchanges between India and the Middle East have been ongoing for centuries. This includes the spread of Indian religions, such as Buddhism, to regions in the Middle East. The medieval period saw the arrival of Islamic rulers and the establishment of sultanates in parts of India. This led to increased cultural and economic interactions between the Indian subcontinent and the Islamic world.

The Mughal Empire, which ruled over a significant part of the Indian subcontinent from the 16th to the 19th centuries, had diplomatic and trade relations with Middle Eastern powers. The Mughals maintained ties with the Safavids in Persia and the Ottoman Empire. During the colonial period, European powers, including the British, played a significant role in the Middle East and India. The Suez Canal, a vital maritime route, became crucial for British colonial interests in both regions.

Countries in the Middle East

The Middle East includes many countries and a few of them are Egypt, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Syria, Jordan, United Arab Emirates, Israel, Bahrain, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Algeria, Cyprus etc.

Significance of the Middle East For India

The Middle East holds immense significance for India, encompassing political, economic, and strategic dimensions that shape India’s foreign policy. Here are key aspects of the importance of Middle East countries for India:

  1. Geopolitical Importance: The Middle East is one of the world’s most important regions because it is at the tri-junction of Asia, Europe and Africa. Thus it controls the major trade routes of the world.
  2. Cultural and Religious Significance: The Middle East is also known as the Cradle of Human civilizations” because it is the birthplace of religions like Islam, Christianity and Jewish
  3. Sensitive Zone: It is a very sensitive zone in international politics because of the prevalence of many religions
  4. Economic Significance: The Middle East region is very important for energy security.
  5. Pakistan’s Involvement: Pakistan is making links in the Middle East to get support from them. Thus, India is trying to counter the influence of Pakistan.
  6. Diaspora and Remittances: Many people from India are working in Middle East countries and thus more remittances.
  7. Natural gas and Oil: India imports natural gas from the Persian Gulf. The share of Middle Eastern oil in India’s crude imports in October rose to 62% from 55.5% in September.
  8. Defence Cooperation: India has Defence Cooperation with Oman and UAE. India has access to Port Duqm in Oman which will strengthen India’s maritime security in the Indian Ocean Region (IOR).

Challenges Between India and Middle East

While India maintains multifaceted ties with Middle East countries, several challenges persist that can impact diplomatic relations. Here are some key challenges:

  1. Belt and Road Initiative: China’s Belt and Road Initiative poses a threat to India which is known as the String of Pearls which is an encirclement of India.
  2. Proxy Wars: The Internal Security of Yemen, Iraq and Syria is very bad which hampers the Political Stability of the region.
  3. Terrorism: Terrorism is the biggest threat to the Middle East region.
  4. Geopolitical Tensions: The Middle East is a politically unstable region and thus makes it difficult for India to balance its relations. For example, India is trying to strike a balance between Israel and Palestine.

India’s Look West Policy

Look West Policy aims to fulfil India’s national interest without getting involved in the regional politics of Arab Nations.

  1. India-UAE Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA): CEPA was signed in 2022 between UAE and India to increase bilateral relations.
  2. India-Arab Cooperation Forum: This forum was hosted in 2014 to promote annual ministerial exchanges and engagements.
  3. Investment: Saudi Arabia is investing in Jio (Reliance Industries)

Gulf Cooperation Council

Gulf Cooperation Council is a political and economic alliance between 6 countries of the Arabian Peninsula. The countries are Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates. It was established in 1981 to promote economic, cultural, security and social cooperation. GCC holds a summit every year to discuss regional issues and cooperation.

Recent Developments in India and Middle East Relation

  1. Recently, Sultan Haitham bin Tarik the Prime Minister and Sultan of Oman visited India. Oman is India’s closest neighbour in the Arabian Gulf region. India and Oman discuss strengthening the strategic, economic and trade partnership. The ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict poses a threat to this partnership.
  2. The Middle East Quad (I2U2) Initiative is an initiative between 4 countries ie. India, Israel, the U.S. and the UAE. The initiative will connect South Asia, the Middle East and the United States for diplomatic and economic collaboration.
  3. The leaders of India, the United States, Saudi Arabia, Germany, the United Arab Emirates, France, Italy and the European Union announced a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to develop a new India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor. It was announced at the G20 Leaders’ event on the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment. The India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor is a landmark corridor. It is expected to promote economic development through increased connectivity.
  4. Recently India started buying oil from the UAE with Rupees.

Summary – Relation Between India and Middle East

India and the Middle East have rich and diverse connections from history to culture. The historical ties are a strong base for this partnership. The Middle East Is an important partner and we are dependent on it for oil and natural gas needs. India receives large amounts of remittances from the Middle East as many people from the Indian Diaspora live there. India and the Middle East are also exploring new areas for partnership and innovation. But due to recent developments and political instability there India will find itself in a tough spot yet again.

FAQs on Relation Between India and Middle East

1. How important is the Middle East to India?

The Middle East plays a vital role in India’s economy. Two-thirds of India’s oil imports are from the Middle East. In recent years the bilateral trade has also gone up. In October the share of Middle East oil in Indian export was 62%

2. Why is India’s Look West Policy important?

The Middle East is a strategic location and shares links with India since ancient times. The Look West Policy will help India in its Economic interests and diplomatic relations. It will also help in maintaining geopolitical influence and strategic importance.

3. How does the Indian diaspora impact relations?

A very large number of people from the Indian diaspora work in the Middle East countries. It enhances people-to-people ties and increases cultural exchange. A large number of Indian diaspora working means more remittances.

4. Is India involved in Middle East conflicts?

India always advocates for peaceful resolution and diplomatic dialogues. In the recent Israel – Hamas war India condemned the deaths of Civilian and asked for diplomacy and restraint. India also sent humanitarian assistance to Gaza.

5. What is India’s role in Middle Eastern energy?

India relies on Middle Eastern countries heavily for energy. India imports both oil and natural gas from Middle East countries. Therefore, energy is a crucial part of bilateral relations. India imported 62% oil in October from Middle Eastern countries.