Relativity Formula

The renowned theory of relativity was established by Albert Einstein. The physical laws are the same across quasi witnesses, according to this idea. It also claims that the velocity of light in a vacuum is independent of all viewers’ movements. It is feasible to create a new foundation for all of physics as well as new conceptions of space and time using this method. This hypothesis threw millennia of research into disarray and provided physicists with a fresh perspective on space and time. It is discussed below.


In 1905, Einstein proposed his idea. It defines movement relativism, specifically the movement of something traveling at the velocity of light. The light was once thought to be a sort of wave comparable to sound waves, ocean waves, or shock waves. As a result, it requires a means of transportation. They thought that light waves might move via the ether, which is less substantial than the air that pervaded the cosmos, rather than air, water, or earth. Einstein proposed that the velocity of one frame relative to another determines the length, time, momentum, and energy. A person in a spacecraft traveling near the speed of light, for example, will perceive space, duration, movement, and radiation differently from someone outside the ship.

The symbol gamma (γ) denotes the formula that connects a value in one reference frame to a value in another. It is a unitless phrase that is determined by the speed at which the object is traveling divided by the speed of light. The relativistic factor is the name given to this number.



  • v denotes the velocity of the object in m/s
  • c denotes the speed of light = 3 × 108 m/s

Sample Problems

Problem 1: Find the relativistic factor for an electron with a velocity of 0.77c.


v = 0.77c


= 1.5672

Problem 2: Find the relativistic factor for an electron with a velocity of 0.37c.


v = 0.37c


= 1.0763

Problem 3: Find the relativistic factor for an electron with a velocity of 0.96c.


v = 0.96c


= 3.5714

Problem 4: Find the relativistic factor for an electron with a velocity of 0.44c.


v = 0.44c


= 1.113

Problem 5: Find the relativistic factor for an electron with a velocity of 0.88c.


v = 0.88c


= 2.226

Problem 6: Find the relativistic factor for an electron with a velocity of 0.33c.


v = 0.88c


= 1.122

Problem 7: Find the relativistic factor for an electron with a velocity of 0.66c.


v = 0.88c


= 2.244